Torrent Clients
The opinions stated in this article are of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Mod Archive
The Azureus Bit torrent client sucks if you're on an older system, or if you want to be able to do anything else than running that bit torrent program [but it does work well].
Be careful when selecting your client, because you might get one that's entirely too complex, like say Bitcomet, which essentially makes your head spin. Or you might get a too simple client such as the original client, and you'll go "bah, but I need my god-damned stats, where are those?" that's when you need to get a more advanced client, below are some examples of a few clients:
The bit torrent client I'm using is called µTorrent, it's designed to be everything that Azureus is but without it's heavy memory footprint.
Now, for those of you who don't understand geek like I do, here's the caveman version:
program takes memory, computer slow.
program takes little memory, computer fast.
But, if you want a little list of alternatives, here goes!
Torrent Clients
The opinions stated in this article are of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Mod Archive
The Azureus Bit torrent client sucks if you're on an older system, or if you want to be able to do anything else than running that bit torrent program [but it does work well].
Be careful when selecting your client, because you might get one that's entirely too complex, like say Bitcomet, which essentially makes your head spin. Or you might get a too simple client such as the original client, and you'll go "bah, but I need my god-damned stats, where are those?" that's when you need to get a more advanced client, below are some examples of a few clients:
The bit torrent client I'm using is called µTorrent, it's designed to be everything that Azureus is but without it's heavy memory footprint.
Now, for those of you who don't understand geek like I do, here's the caveman version:
program takes memory, computer slow.
program takes little memory, computer fast.
But, if you want a little list of alternatives, here goes!
Azureus aka Vuze
Very advanced, fully featured client with all the bells and whistles you could want. Built in torrent tracker, and it's multi platform - Java based. Not recommended for slow machines, though as it's quite a heavy application (at time of writing).
URL: Visit
Very advanced, fully featured client with all the bells and whistles you could want. Built in torrent tracker, and it's multi platform - Java based. Not recommended for slow machines, though as it's quite a heavy application (at time of writing).
URL: Visit
Modified by m0d, January 2009
If you want LOADS of features, and a nice user interface with lots of statistics about everything from download/hour speeds to useless stuff like which country you're downloading from, get this one! It also takes very little memory, has just one file (utorrent.exe) which makes it very small.
URL: Visit
If you want LOADS of features, and a nice user interface with lots of statistics about everything from download/hour speeds to useless stuff like which country you're downloading from, get this one! It also takes very little memory, has just one file (utorrent.exe) which makes it very small.
URL: Visit
BitTorrent Standard Client
The original, lacks features to a great deal, rather annoying to use if you want some stats and very annoying if you're looking for a client which starts FAST. High CPU usage, and moderate memory footprint.
URL: Visit
The original, lacks features to a great deal, rather annoying to use if you want some stats and very annoying if you're looking for a client which starts FAST. High CPU usage, and moderate memory footprint.
URL: Visit
A client which doesn't support multiple downloads in one window, this means you'll have to open two instances of the same program in order to download two files.... no something a person with a fast computer and a 100/100 pipe would like.
It's somewhere in the middle in terms of memory footprints, has a good variety of different abilities thrown in and seems like a good all-round client.
URL: Visit
A client which doesn't support multiple downloads in one window, this means you'll have to open two instances of the same program in order to download two files.... no something a person with a fast computer and a 100/100 pipe would like.
It's somewhere in the middle in terms of memory footprints, has a good variety of different abilities thrown in and seems like a good all-round client.
URL: Visit
The "bad boy" of the bit torrent clients, or rather it used to be. It often reported wrong upload/download ratios when connected to a tracker. Nowadays it's cleaner than a whistle though, and has a reasonable cpu load and a moderate memory footprint. (however, some trackers still have this bit torrent client banned, because once scorned....)
It has a nice user interface, but requires some expertise
to use, due to it's many features.
URL: Visit
The "bad boy" of the bit torrent clients, or rather it used to be. It often reported wrong upload/download ratios when connected to a tracker. Nowadays it's cleaner than a whistle though, and has a reasonable cpu load and a moderate memory footprint. (however, some trackers still have this bit torrent client banned, because once scorned....)
It has a nice user interface, but requires some expertise
to use, due to it's many features.
URL: Visit
Yet Another Bit torrent Client
A rather simple client which is said to be a match for Azureus, however since it lacks many features, you might not want to go for this one. Fast, yet simple. (who not go with the original BT client then?)
A rather simple client which is said to be a match for Azureus, however since it lacks many features, you might not want to go for this one. Fast, yet simple. (who not go with the original BT client then?)
Experimental Bit torrent Client
The only "experimental" with this client is the ability to limit your up/download ratio... normal usage of CPU and memory... nothing worth getting.
Visit <- still here's the url, if you wanna check it out.
The only "experimental" with this client is the ability to limit your up/download ratio... normal usage of CPU and memory... nothing worth getting.
Visit <- still here's the url, if you wanna check it out.
BitBuddy Client
This one is still in it's early stages, with alot of stuff remaining to be implemented, however it seems to have a very light CPU load, and a minimal memory footprint, it has a small range of features which might be something to take a look at.
URL: Visit
This one is still in it's early stages, with alot of stuff remaining to be implemented, however it seems to have a very light CPU load, and a minimal memory footprint, it has a small range of features which might be something to take a look at.
URL: Visit
XBT Client
This client also goes with the "low memory, low CPU" way of bit torrent clients, but it apparently has troubles with download speeds as well as it's lack of important features.
Not a client I would recommend. But, for you hardcore testers out there, here's a link
URL: Visit (note: the Mod Archive tracker is actually using this as it's ideal as a headless client).
This client also goes with the "low memory, low CPU" way of bit torrent clients, but it apparently has troubles with download speeds as well as it's lack of important features.
Not a client I would recommend. But, for you hardcore testers out there, here's a link
URL: Visit (note: the Mod Archive tracker is actually using this as it's ideal as a headless client).
G3 Torrent Client
The good looking alternative, use this if you can't stand the thought of using an ugly client. Has alot of features apparently, but has a moderate memory imprint as well as a bigger install size.
URL: Visit
The good looking alternative, use this if you can't stand the thought of using an ugly client. Has alot of features apparently, but has a moderate memory imprint as well as a bigger install size.
URL: Visit
BitLord Client
A bit torrent with adware in it, which makes it automatically suck, since why would you want commercials in a program where you get get another version WITHOUT them in?.... stay far far away from this suspicious version of the BT client.
URL: dude, NO.. NO, you do NOT want this piece of s***, you want it anyway? .. bah Google it then.
A bit torrent with adware in it, which makes it automatically suck, since why would you want commercials in a program where you get get another version WITHOUT them in?.... stay far far away from this suspicious version of the BT client.
URL: dude, NO.. NO, you do NOT want this piece of s***, you want it anyway? .. bah Google it then.
A sort of all-round client with a GUI which you'll either hate or love, but has a decent range of features, memory size and cpu load are moderate.
URL: Visit
A sort of all-round client with a GUI which you'll either hate or love, but has a decent range of features, memory size and cpu load are moderate.
URL: Visit
TorrentTopia client
Has a connected search to two torrent sites, in which
it searches for torrents, please note that this feature is this programs prominent feature... meaning you'll be better off with the original client which has an official search engine. Moderate CPU and memory usage, nothing out of the ordinary. Also: supports skins.. wheeeee...
URL: Visit
Has a connected search to two torrent sites, in which
it searches for torrents, please note that this feature is this programs prominent feature... meaning you'll be better off with the original client which has an official search engine. Moderate CPU and memory usage, nothing out of the ordinary. Also: supports skins.. wheeeee...
URL: Visit
ZipTorrent Client
Advertises that it will function perfectly behind a firewall and or router, without any special configuration... in reality it sucks since it doesn't work, which is a no-brainer really, since it can't have all the companies router/firewall configs stored in it's memories. Stay away from this one, it'll mess up your system.
URL: Visit <- stay away!
Advertises that it will function perfectly behind a firewall and or router, without any special configuration... in reality it sucks since it doesn't work, which is a no-brainer really, since it can't have all the companies router/firewall configs stored in it's memories. Stay away from this one, it'll mess up your system.
URL: Visit <- stay away!
Burst! Client
This has some major issues with Windows XP , and won't work unless you jump through a lot of hoops to get there, has some very annoying features and really doesn't have anything going for it, leave this one a lot to rot and die kthnxbai.
URL: Visit
This has some major issues with Windows XP , and won't work unless you jump through a lot of hoops to get there, has some very annoying features and really doesn't have anything going for it, leave this one a lot to rot and die kthnxbai.
URL: Visit
MooPolice Client
A client with probably the most unique bit torrent interface in existence, not much is known about this version atm , but it seems to be a standard client with a very .. hate or love ish interface, I can't make heads or tails of it myself. Memory and CPU usage is unknown.
URL: Visit
A client with probably the most unique bit torrent interface in existence, not much is known about this version atm , but it seems to be a standard client with a very .. hate or love ish interface, I can't make heads or tails of it myself. Memory and CPU usage is unknown.
URL: Visit
TrustyFiles Client
Spyware, malicious code, viruses, you name it, this program has got it! sucks so hard that a pornstar would have trouble keeping up! (if this seems too harsh, please omit my statement: to mods) [seems ok to me ;) Ed.]
URL: You have to be joking.
Spyware, malicious code, viruses, you name it, this program has got it! sucks so hard that a pornstar would have trouble keeping up! (if this seems too harsh, please omit my statement: to mods) [seems ok to me ;) Ed.]
URL: You have to be joking.
BT++ Client
Has a rather standard looking GUI, and is written in the same language as the original client is, which means that the CPU load will be heavy, and the memory load moderate. Better that you stick with the original client, or get a more advanced one.
URL: Visit
Has a rather standard looking GUI, and is written in the same language as the original client is, which means that the CPU load will be heavy, and the memory load moderate. Better that you stick with the original client, or get a more advanced one.
URL: Visit
BTQueue Client
No graphical interface, which means that if you're not a brain, or a Linux user, you'd do best to choose a simpler torrent client. Has a standard range of features and has a moderate memory and cpu load.
URL: Visit
No graphical interface, which means that if you're not a brain, or a Linux user, you'd do best to choose a simpler torrent client. Has a standard range of features and has a moderate memory and cpu load.
URL: Visit
Anatomic P2P client
No GUI, normal range of features, however seems very dead in terms of development, no known CPU or memory usage stats.
URL: Visit
No GUI, normal range of features, however seems very dead in terms of development, no known CPU or memory usage stats.
URL: Visit
TorrentFlux client
If you think php is the s***, and want all your apps to run in php, including your BT client, wait no longer! get yer php powered BT client today! Has a really nice looking GUI and since it's powered by php, it has all the features and drawbacks of said format. Has a wide range of features and statistics, memory usage and cpu load unknown, but expected to be that of a php server.
URL: Visit
If you think php is the s***, and want all your apps to run in php, including your BT client, wait no longer! get yer php powered BT client today! Has a really nice looking GUI and since it's powered by php, it has all the features and drawbacks of said format. Has a wide range of features and statistics, memory usage and cpu load unknown, but expected to be that of a php server.
URL: Visit
Rufus client
A rip-off of G3 torrent, stay away from this client since it seems like the author isn't too interested
in developing it in the future. Memory and cpu load unknown. (but expected to be that of the G3 client, unless the coder is a n00b, which might mess it up alot more)
URL: Visit
A rip-off of G3 torrent, stay away from this client since it seems like the author isn't too interested
in developing it in the future. Memory and cpu load unknown. (but expected to be that of the G3 client, unless the coder is a n00b, which might mess it up alot more)
URL: Visit
Article written by John Marwin, community member, 2005
This article is copyright (c)2005 by The Mod Archive and may not be reproduced without permission.