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Hymn of Victory (hymn_of_victory.xm)

Info Summary

  • hymn_of_victory.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 795.54KB in size and has been downloaded 336 times since Wed 14th Sep 2005 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 151792
  • Downloads: 336
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 69cb01369c17ed7f5913d07b0d4d02d4
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 32
  • Uncompressed Size: 795.54KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


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  • Member Rating: rating (Unrated)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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  • None, yet!

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Info Internal Texts *

**  Hymn of Victory **

   of Velocity Studios

This tune was finished
on July 7th 1999

For best performance
use ModPlug Player in
stereo mode and a
couple of good
This is my 3rd module
and I really like it.
I'm almost thinking
'WOW, did I do THIS?'
Yeah, it's definately
the best mod I've made
so far. There is more
to come!
Huge credits goes to
all the samplemakers:
Merlin, ORiON, Elwood,
6PAC, Challenger,
Dr.Jam, Caesar, Jay,
Andreas Viklund &
Wratchild. (and some
unknown guys)
In this mod I've also
used the first
high-quality sample
I've ever made myself.
It's in instrument
#1F. Feel free to use
it in your mods!

Thanks to:
* JoJJ
* Novus
* The samplemakers
* Min familj
* You, for listening

Greetings to:
* JoJJ
* KroDD
* T3 Osbecksgymnasiet
* CUF i Edenberga
* Min familj
* ProffTracker
* Alla andra CUF:are
   jag känner.
* My Friends from
   Bad Segeberg,

Like this song? Hate
it? Wanna remix it?

Send me an e-mail!
primary address:
secondary address:
If you like this song
there are more music
available for download
at my homepage.


If you like my music,
let your friends know.
If you hate it, don't.

Have a nice time!
C U L8R!

Nyckeln till en
politik för framtiden
ligger inte i den
gamla förlegade
För att föra en
politik för framtiden
måste man se bortom
dagens förlegade
blockpolitik. Det gör
vi i Centerpartiet.
Vi hoppas på ett
samhälle där man utgår
från individens bästa.
En individ som
naturligtvis ingår i
i samhället. Vi i
Centerpartiet tror
inte på sossarnas och
moderaternas extrema
framhävande av gruppen
resp individen.
Lagom är bäst!
För att kunna undvika
att våra barn får en
förgiftad omgivning
måste vi även ta vara
på vår miljö. Inget
annat parti än Center-
partiet har kombinerat
människa med miljö som
* _TERdON 1999 *

Copyright Notice
Observe that this
module is intended
for personal listening
and non-commercial
purposes ONLY.
Commercial use, such
as copying, public
performace, broad-
casting etc. is NOT
allowed withot written
permission from me.

Challenger's sample???

Author unknown

_Dr. Jam/A.I. Crew
Unknown Source
Merlin's sample
Merlin's sample
Merlin's sample

ORiON's sample
_ (tr909 pack)
Elwood's sample

Unknown Source
ORiON's sample
Andreas Viklund's
Caesar's sample
Unknown Source
Unknown Source
Jay's sample
Wratchild's sample
Elwood's sample
6PAC's sample
_TERdON 1999

I won't mind if you
use this sample in
your own modules.

If you use it, please
give me proper credits

No commersial use of
this sample is allowed
without my permission.

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
