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Mystical Dreams (vr_mys.xm)

Info Summary

  • vr_mys.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.10MB in size and has been downloaded 2972 times since Sun 29th Apr 2001 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 61240
  • Downloads: 2972
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: 325ab72ceaa2b9e1ce9004d7e3d91e99
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 32
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.10MB
  • Genre: Pop - Synth

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (8 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Rikimbo on Wed 23rd Aug 2006, rated 8 / 10.

Very pleasing, uplifting easy listenning tune. I really enjoyed this one. I've never liked panflute much, but the piano work is fantastic!

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Info Internal Texts *

  [Mystical Dreams ]
    [Composed by ]

_00' Vegard Rafteseth.
-With samples mostly-
-    from Awesome    -
 (The best ambienter)
  PS(Awesome): Sorry
for ripping your samps
 but I don't know how
 to make samples, and
 your samples are the
      best ever.

 I think this module
 got many good sides,
but personally I like
the end more, then the
 rest. And the piano
 which arrives at 2:30
 are the coolest here.
I     LISTENING!!    I

 If you run an ambient
 group, and want me to
 be a part of it, you
   are welcome as a
 friend in my e-mail,
    or snail-mail:


  .Vegard Rafteseth
       Harevn. 3
     2640 Vinstra

PS: I may be away from
 internet for a while
 further. Use snail if

  This time greets:

  {Harry}x. Damien.
  Stary. Zilverstone.
Grl. Warhawk,Mazatael.
 Awesome. Mick Rippon.
 Skaven. Djzip. Beek.
  U4ia. Dr. Awesome.
  V. Voois. Fasedit.
  Ghidorah. Xerxes.
 Sergio Dj. Psimon C.
Hunz. DrFransk Meieri.
 Agn. Lathans. Atene.
 Dj Brainwash. DeepJ.
  St3vor. Ice Raven.
 Ke'Shiva. Mystical.
   Gargoyle. Elwood.
   La Lisa. Goble.
  Acumen. Basehead.
 Lizardking. Powercat.
 DrQ. Dj Prizma. Veek.
 Jogeir. Jason. Swag.
  Infinity Squared.
   Yari. LittleElk.
 Mellow-D. Travolta.
  Dizzy. Jase. Zola.
Purple Motion. Roncli.
  Sphog Production.
    Naiad. Necros.
   Hang0ver. Smash.
   Noisyman. Nyako.
Sex. Madtronic. Royer.
 Asmatic. Jax. Cobb.
    + .. someone.

Hmm... a lot of greets
here =)

 Huh. Don't know if I
 mentioned my adress.
 Well, if you want me
 to fix Fx\Music for
  your game or demo
  free [of course],
 just e-mail or snail:

  .Vegard Rafteseth
      Harevn. 3
     2640 Vinstra

 Norge: Kontakt meg
  nesten 24 timer i
    dögnet på tlf:
     61 29 18 54

-- The clock are
almost 05:30.
-- I woke up from a
nightmare, and started
-- tracking.
Therefor is it called
-- "Mystical Dreams".

 Signed: Sound Blaist
      (Vegard R.)
  At half six in the
 morning, 14. January
in the year of 2000 =)

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
