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Awesome's Messages

Last 50 Messages on Awesome's profile

From: rchrdcrg
18:06 on 17th August 2019

I can't overstate what an inspiration your music was to me back when I started tracking. I'm sure I still have several of your samples tucked into my sample collection... they probably still sneak into my songs to this day, lol!
There has never been a finer tracker, IMHO, than The Awesome.

From: Psirius
17:14 on 28th May 2019

¡Bienvenido otra vez AWE! (Aunque nunca te fuiste de aquí). Curioso, una vez que empiezas, por lo que sea, nunca te vas... Suerte genio. :)

Welcome again awe! (Even though you never were here). Curious, once you start, so that is, you will never... Lucky genius. :)

From: Awesome
00:05 on 10th April 2019

Check my music portfolio http://AwezoomStudios.com.com/music

My youtube channel with some personal videos and music: https://www.youtube.com/user/awezoom

My latest youtube project, The Crazy Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0xaIinhwrms1q5THM37d2Q

From: Sergeisergeievich
14:11 on 8th March 2014

A great artist of all times!