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rchrdcrg's Messages

Last 50 Messages on rchrdcrg's profile

From: rchrdcrg To: Iamaplayer33
16:04 on 11th January 2020

Iamaplayer33: Haha, life's been crazy and I honestly forgot all about me trying to upload stuff here. I need to spend a few days going through it all and then I'll get more up! Thanks for the reminder!

Re: Why have you only uploaded two tracks yet?

From: Iamaplayer33
16:01 on 11th January 2020

Why have you only uploaded two tracks yet?

From: rchrdcrg To: DJ Dementonator
17:52 on 17th August 2019

DJ Dementonator: Haha, I'm just now getting to this a year later! I'd love to collab with someone!

Re: I made a mod that is not quite uploaded. Would you like to collab?

From: DJ Dementonator
21:10 on 8th December 2018
DJ Dementonator

I made a mod that is not quite uploaded. Would you like to collab?