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HomeMusicreconstruction's Messages

Last 50 Messages on HomeMusicreconstruction's profile

From: Saga Musix
18:47 on 20th May 2022
Saga Musix

Okay, enough. I will deactivate this account. I have already told you to stop uploading "remixes" where all you do is exchanging a few samples (which are often completely out of tune), you even got reviews from the original authors of those tunes saying that they don't want this. Furthermore there were several "remixes" where you didn't even mention who the original author was, i.e. clear plagiarism. We don't want any of that on this site.

From: HomeMusicreconstruction
14:19 on 1st May 2022

Hi people


do something similar to these songs

From: Saga Musix
23:57 on 30th April 2022
Saga Musix

Please refrain from uploading "remixes" where all you apparently did was replacing bass drum samples. You can modify other people's modules all you like on your own machine, but calling replacing a single sample a remix is a bit disingenuous. A lot of your remixes also have completely detuned instruments. Please tune your instruments before uploading, as this sort of material won't make it through the screening process.

From: HomeMusicreconstruction To: HomeMusicreconstruction
09:05 on 17th March 2022

HomeMusicreconstruction: also applies to all my rmx enhancement modules and so on


From: HomeMusicreconstruction
16:55 on 11th March 2022

what I need to do to have my modules and reconstructions on this page

From: HomeMusicreconstruction
13:11 on 8th March 2022

for free time I reconstruct it a bit, xm module in dance, trance ... and so on