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Knights of the Round (arc-knights.s3m)

Info Summary

  • arc-knights.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 66.97KB in size and has been downloaded 733 times since Sun 24th Jan 2021 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 191149
  • Downloads: 733
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 4da17301dacf5c70028ce104fdfdff25
  • Format: S3M
  • Channels: 16
  • Uncompressed Size: 66.97KB
  • Genre: Classical

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comments Artist's Comments

artist I'm positive that I originally intended to name this song "Knights of the Round Table" but I guess there was a character limit to titles, and so "Table" was dropped.

Since the entire reason I got into tracking was because of Final Fantasy 6 and Chrono Trigger music, it should come as no surprise that I would try to write a song inspired by role-playing games. Of course, I never played in-person RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons. All my RPG experience was from NES and SNES games.

There are two sections to this song: the first half is more pomp-and-ceremony style, and is (as far as I can recall) not inspired by anything in particular. Then, it transitions to a minor key and goes into the "battle" theme. The transition bit was probably inspired by Wing Commander for SNES - the music plays when your wingman is shot down. The main battle theme is inspired by the boss music in Contra, which plays at the end of levels 2 and 4.

This was my first attempt to make a song fully in an orchestral style. I did of course include an orchestral bit in Segue before it, and would later write an orchestral piece called Valor (which was superior to this one). Knights of the Round and Valor are the only two that could be considered true orchestral songs, but I also experimented with an orchestral/techno fusion in Light of the World, a piano ballad in Leaving it All Behind, and apparently I wrote something called Imperial Law that was intended for a game but is probably lost forever.

Considering this is one of my early songs, this one could be worse. It's certainly not great, but it's not unlistenable. I still hadn't figured out how to use effects in Scream Tracker but was beginning to use volume to add some depth to my songs. - arcturus

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Info Internal Texts *

French Horn
Odd Flute
Orchestra BigDrum

Knights of the Round

by Arcturus

Okay...when you listen to
this song, try to think
medieval dungeons and
dragons thoughts...cuz that
was the kind of song I was
trying to write.

BTW, I included the Odd
Flute instrument, but I
didn't use it...I thought
I would, but I didn't need
it.  Oh well, you can
extract it and use it in
your own s3m.

The Ultimate D.M.
(C) 1996 Mark Abersold

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
