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Title: - digital orgasm -
Filename: orgasm.mod
Posted Mon 15th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Very dark tune with a quick pace. I like it even though there isn't much variety, just because it sounds really cool...Starts off really well. The samples are nicely overdriven to give that "Blade" feel. Harmonically it's simple, but that's why it's good. The second part goes to an 8-beat and then slows down to the end, which isn't that great, it seems like it was rushed...BUT, overall, it's a cool trippy piece. Well, not many effects, and I guess there isn't much need for them. The only ones used are volume slides and I think a few sample offset effects. Other than that, it is technically ok because it achieves the sound I think it was intended to.

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Title: Softwhise
Filename: s-whise.xm
Posted Mon 15th Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This tune has a nice back ground water drop echo and other echoing things in it. It's very nice almost... soothing. I don't give it a better score due to the lack of detale. Other than that it is very good. tech seems alright. I think I will go play with the samples in this one. I know this isn't 3 lines but hey... sew me!

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Title: Dreams of Love
Filename: mariko.s3m
Posted Sun 14th Mar 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Ah! Love sweet love. This artist wrote this song for a loved one, Mariko, who obviously meant a great deal to him. The song has ver nice piano tracks, coupled with a lively beat. This song had just the right touch of love, even with some samples of birds singing. I bet she was very happy to hear such a good song dedicated to her. This song was well directed from begining to end. It starts out with some bird singing samples and a slow piano solo. As the beat picks up the piano glides through the song as well as you can imagine. Throughout the song there are some synth flute tracks that sound nice. This was worthy of my collection and would be a nice soothing sound you can enjoy anytime of the day.

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Title: Gateways part II
Filename: gateways_part_ii.xm
Posted Fri 12th Mar 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Wee-ah! A great tune made by Nitro of Dubius for theyr cool demo Gateways 2 (1998).. This tune is a great piece of techno, combined with heavy metal.. And damn, that's a piece of god damn freakin' good solo. The beat is very good too, and you can obviously see that Nitro has invested alot on this music. The problem is that it is kinda short & it is kinda big sized for a module. But it still worth's it. I think it's one of the best modules ever.. One of my favourites. By listening to the sample good, you can hear that their quality is not too good. In some samples there's a big amount of bass or treble, which sounds really bad. Except this, i think everything is almost perfect in this tune.. :)

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Title: Thunderstruck- remix
Filename: remixedt.xm
Posted Thu 11th Mar 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This is a short remix of the original hit by AC/DC Thunderstruck. Why short ? Only time length of 1min 41sec. But the original intro with the solo guitar is well replicate here. But same lead thru all the short mix. If you are a AC/DC fan, try it! Shortly done. The tempo is well similar as the original one. We have some vocals (Not all) and some guitars strings from the original. But it's an 10 channels module not used at it's best. No stereo.

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Title: px.bladswede remix!
Filename: RAVE.MOD
Posted Thu 11th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Many samples for a mod file. Well mixed, nice techno progression. Cool intro with nice techno samples. Soft techno beat. Also a nice stereo intro. This is not an hardcore music ; soft techno music. 4 channels (2 on right 2 on left). Not much effects. For a 4 channels, the author do some stereo effects that are cool, if we think that he is limited by the number of channels. 26 samples are included for this module and time length of 4min 28sec.

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Title: Abandoned Hope (HT)
Filename: rba-abhp.xm
Posted Thu 11th Mar 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Great at all. Nice progression till the end of this music. At pattern 24 we got a great effect of echo on the piano instrument that fit with the style of others instruments ; Sounds very good but generally in mono. I think for a work like that the stereo should be better it change all the music (This is my opinion). There are some panning at the end, but nothing much. Thats why the score is not at 9 or maybe 10. But one good thing that was very well done is the echo on the piano string at pattern 24. An Good track ! 10 samples (Mixed 16 & 8bits) for a time length of 4min 6sec.

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Title: Rare Hero Remix
Filename: rarehero.xm
Posted Thu 11th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10
It's a remix of the PSX game in Rare Hero titled Ridge Racer. Well arranged. The style change at pattern 17. But generally the style is soft techno with some techno samples. Basically done, but evreything fit. This music is mono. Need more presence (Background sounds). With 20 samples (8bits) for a time length of 2min 28sec. A bit short but an o.k. track.

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Title: The Acid Master
Filename: acidbass.it
Posted Thu 11th Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10
THIS SONG MADE ME FEEL LIKE I WAS TRIPPIN OUT! A great job by OverAcid, Despite a few of the samples sounding a little on the scratchy side this .IT MOD is a great showing of his abilities as a tracker. When you listen to this mod, fire up your strobe light and sit back, cuz it's gonna be one hell of a ride! As far as the technical aspects of this .IT MOD, OverAcid show cases the expertise it takes to be a sucessful tracker. I epecially like his sample usage in the middle and end of the song. OverAcid really kept up the pace thru out the whole song and never let it falter for a second. My only crux with this .IT MOD is a few of the samples sounded a bit scratchy. All in all, this is a great example of his work

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Title: odyssey-part6
Filename: odyssey6.mod
Posted Tue 9th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Sounds like a funky work out song where a lot of sweaty people try to get into shape by shaking themselves. Nice simple song. If you work at an arebics place and you want people to start working out, give em this , and they just might get to work. Nice sounds. The thing that made me think this to be a workout tune was that it goes from realy soft and nice, to a hard tune, and then to a really soft tune again. I like it! its a nice one, but the endings just a bit to abrupt. I recomend selling this to like bally fitness or something! youll make a fortune !

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Title: odyssey-part5
Filename: ODYSSEY5.MOD
Posted Tue 9th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Most of the songs put on the mod archive are good enough to get here. But the ones that really shine are some of the Best out there. This song is good, its got a nice mellow tune, and at the end it picks up with a quick beat. THe only thing is its just like all the others out there. Make it more original. Give it your own little touch For the first 3 minutes it is cool and dark and gloomy, and then it picks up into more of an upbeat kinda thing. The composition is flaky i guess you could say. Nothing speacial till the end. But usually it makes for a better overall piece i say. Not half bad, but can always make for better. And the part that doesn't work right is when the quick beat comes. ITs just oo sudden, make it flow more.

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Title: odyssey-part4
Filename: odyssey4.mod
Posted Tue 9th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10
I like the beat here! This song has a nice upbeat rythm to it, gets you moving, and it coincides with teh ODYSSEY , or a journey. It sounds like there is a journey that is being taken in the background, with a mytical evil touch. The only thing that i dont like is the erratic way it was composed. It follows itself nicely, but its still lacking that special something. Download this puppy if ya like, but to me, it isnt a keeper Tech rating. What does one rate in a tech rating? the samples and here are nice ones. SOme i havent heard before, some i have, but its all good. Hell. If you can put together any song in any tracker, youve got some skill. This song has some good horn and synth combos that make for some nice tunes.

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Title: odyssey-part3
Filename: ODYSSEY3.MOD
Posted Mon 8th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Tracking is hard. I tried it once and i cant seem to get much out of it. This piece is a good one, it lacks a good ending, but the beggining is a solid one. I like the distortion on the guitar in the beggining, it makes for a mystical twist, and the horns in the middle of the song are good too. I know i say this a lot in my reviews, but for your song to do better in my mind, make all your samples coherent with the next sample. Just make it easy on the ear. THe effects in this song are varied and well done, the only thing i see wrong with them is their sequence in the song. THey seem to come out of nowhere, and its kinda to much of a suprise for the ears. Work on the coherence and it would be better in my mind.

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Title: odyssey-part2
Filename: ODYSSEY2.MOD
Posted Mon 8th Mar 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Ok. no offense to the maker of this song, whoever you may be, but its really annoying to listen to. The sample that sounds like people humming a hymn just doesnt work out, and the cutting off of it just takes awa from its entire being. Work on somethinng that has more clarity. Like i said, the way you arranged all of these things, just doesnt work out, i like the bass and drum beat mix, but everything on top of that just doesnt cut it, i cant stand listening to it for that long. Work on your songs and then re submit them, im not sure why this one is here...

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Title: Odyssey
Filename: odyssey.xm
Posted Mon 8th Mar 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This song kicks ass in my boo. It's a happy tune, with a meledy that reminds you of Rocky fighting to win, especially when hes running up the steps to get to the top! Also reminds me of the Starcraft Theme, from the game. The guitar makes for a nice touch, and the base line and beat make it worth downloading, hehe, listen to this while you are working out. I love the song man! the only reason im not giving you a higher rating here is becaues its a lot of the same thing over and over again. But thats good! but it can always be better. Put in some unexpected things that will sauce it up! then i might just have to give you a ten!

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Title: Vectorlike Boredom
Filename: ODE2CCC.XM
Posted Mon 8th Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Beautifull Tacit in the beggining! the key changes also make for a good sound, and then backfround is smooth! Nice beats, the ambient do du do de do is cool , and the constand fade in and out makes for a nice dancy thingy ma bobber. I like. Good job rokdazone/infect, you knew what you were doing, and the techno metal clang sounds make me want to go to africa take off all my cloths and act like its 2099! Hey! i love the correlation in this piece, all the samples are worked in a friendly way, so there isnt a cacophony anywhere! But i mean id like to give this piece a higher rating, but its still like all the others out there man. Give me something a that lasts longer, feels more, and makes me want to hear more.

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Title: So, My Heart
Filename: myheart.xm
Posted Tue 2nd Mar 1999
Rated 8 / 10
You've seen the film, bought the CD and the video, and now you can listen to the mod. Yes, as you've probably guessed from the name this is a copy/remix of the huge selling theme to the award winning film Titanic. Overall this is a pretty good effort and well worth a listen by fans of the original. The only real problem is that, although a couple of samples of Celine Dion's voice have been used, they are far too sparse and therefore most of the powerful impact is lost. Technically this mod is only OK, there is a lot of wasted space, the patterns could have been far more compacted. There's also the samples of Celine Dion singing which I already complained about, but to be fair if these had been playing constantly and at a high quality, the mod would have been huge, and it's already fairly big. You don't really notice they are only 8-bit because they are played so quietly anyway, so this is fairly unimportant. Apart from this everything is just about right, this is a decent copy of the original.

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Title: MoonShine Intro (??)
Filename: mssintro.xm
Posted Tue 2nd Mar 1999
Rated 1 / 10
As I stuck on this mod for the first time I prepared to be entertained, I was sure I would soon be humming away to great tune accompanied by a wicked beat. But then , suddenly, it stopped, I thought my PC had crashed, but when I glanced at the pattern list I realised that that was it, the mod had simply finished. Where is the rest of it, if this is the intro, (as the title sugests), to a complete piece then somebody please tell me because this sounds like it could be good. I thought there was a rule that mods had to be over 20 seconds long anyway, this only manages 12, a great disappointment. There's not much I can say really, because there's not much here to write about. Not even all of the samples have been used, it almost seems like the writer was working on it and somehow accidently uploaded it. If so, I hope he/she finished it and some day I manage to track it down, because it could have turned out to be interesting.

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Title: SHiNE by: Dj DUDE
Filename: shine.it
Posted Tue 2nd Mar 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Ok, this song is AWESOME!!!! Put it this way, I downloaded this song two weeks ago, and when i wake up, or get home from work I listen to the song. There are two main beats to this song and the ending melody is great. Download this. Excellent samples, and wonderful tracking. I was looking at this song and it has so many special effects. Loved wonderfully composed. Just love how it switches beats as well.

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Title: Danger Zone
Filename: DZONE.MOD
Posted Mon 1st Mar 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Musically this song exhibits a nice rhythm, but could definately use more variance in structure and melody. This tune is very repetative, and it keeps the listener very uninterested. Perhaps a more grand ending would improve this song's standing as well, instead of just fading out. Samples aren't too bad, but could be a bit cleaner. There are sections with instruments that are out of tune. This artist, however, did a great job on the panning effects in the channels. This song could have been a lot more technical with more global effects.

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Title: Ranma series 3
Filename: Ranma.xm
Posted Mon 1st Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Nice melodic piano, but the flute seem to be not at the right octave. But it's a great piano harmonics. Sometimes, you have a pad string that sound well. The beat were made with a snare sample (Sound good) thru all the music. Basically done, but sound good except for the flute ; sound strange with the piano background beat. (Need to put the right octave on the flute) This music is in mono with 8 channels, 6 samples for a time length of 3min 52sec.

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Title: MEL -It's ram hot 3
Filename: ramhot3.s3m
Posted Mon 1st Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10
For the size of this module, we have a great music. Well done with great harmonics. Nice bass line with cool tempo thru all the music. Also very nice progression. He know were to put effects, tremolo, vibrato, etc. With those tiny samples we have a real good music here. The only thing is that some samples are at right or left, sound 2 channels not stereo. But nice work here !! Time length of 3min 29sec with 9 samples.

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Title: RaNdOmIzE
Filename: randomx.xm
Posted Mon 1st Mar 1999
Rated 5 / 10
The title tell us evreything. The music itself is randomize. I can tell that we have stereophonic music but some samples sound very ugly they need more volume ajusting to fit with the beat and bass. Nice stereo effects and a lot of panning, but this is the only effect that we have in this music. Some lead samples don't have an harmonic at all with the background sound. Sorry it's real Maybe the next module of the author will be better. Time length : 4min 28sec with 10 samples

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Title: *** raise down ***
Filename: raise.xm
Posted Mon 1st Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Well done music, we have a great intro. Good progression thru all of this music, remind me Miami Vice theme :). Great harmonics, nice tempo. 24 samples (8bits) for a time length of 4min 59sec. Technically ; This module was made in 1995, but for the year, great work. Simply done with the right effects at the right place (Not too many effects, but good work). The samples are well used in this module that's why the author place not too much effects. But one thing, use only 4 channels and it's sound mono.

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Title: deep
Filename: gg_deep.xm
Posted Sun 28th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Deep had a good beat and a good basic melody but it was really damn repetitive. Just kept going on and on for minutes. The main melody is pre-sampled, too, so it's a long download. Dance fans might want to check this out, but I'd skip it. The sound quality of Deep was quite professional, most of the time. The beat was well sequenced and the samples were immaculate. At around 2:30, however, a really, really annoying vocal sample cuts in and ruins the song from there on out. Sad because this might have had potential.

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Title: neptune.xm
Filename: neptune.xm
Posted Sun 28th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Norg did a pretty good job on this song. Although the main flute melody gets old after a while the rest of the song is pretty good. The tone of the song is thick and somewhat industrial, but that's not a bad thing. Tracking job was ok. Most of the samples were grainy 8kHz sounding, though. Stereo effects were sparse but effective - good use of envelopes here.

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Filename: nenene.it
Posted Sun 28th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
You can kinda tell that very little effort went into this song.. It's only got 8 unique patterns, so it gets repetitive. Nevertheless there are some cool guitar riffs here and it has a good melody and overall ambience. First off, the stereo was too unbalanced to the right. If you have good headphones and your stereo separation is set at max, the beginning of the song will irritate the hell out of your ears. That aside, there were some cool stereo effects with the main guitar riff, and overall the samples were quite clean.

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Title: Nebulos
Filename: nebulos.xm
Posted Sun 28th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This song overall is very amateurish. It's less than two minutes long, and even in that time it grows repetitive. The melody is okay, but not stunning, and it's just overly simplistic - not really a song I'd want to listen to, but not necessarily a bad song, either. The novice tracking ability that went into this song really shows. First, it's repetitive, even in the short playing time. Second, the lead sample gets real annoying at high pitches. A very novice composition in all aspects.

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Title: ...[.Not.Clear.Dream.]...
Filename: nc_dream.it
Posted Sun 28th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10
I have listened to many, many ambient songs, and I don't think this track does justice to the whole ambient genre. Although it is successful in creating a mood - albeit a kind of unsubstantial, creepy one - it is repetitive to the max and gets annoying, even with its short duration of 2 minutes. Skip this one even if you like ambient. On the other hand, Anatoly did a great job *tracking* this song. It uses 24+ channels efficiently; the samples are immaculate and worthy of ripping. Like I've said before, though, the most important thing in a song is having a decent melody!

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Title: Today all gods die (NB)
Filename: nb_today.s3m
Posted Sun 28th Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This is truly a classic song. It starts with a brooding intro and builds up to the main part of song, very demostylish and very cool. It then drops off into an interlude - although a bit long and boring, it does set the stage for the peak of the song. Everything in Today All Gods Die was executed perfectly.. Also, it was cool seeing orchestra hits actually do something novel. Kudos to Nightbeat on this one! While this was tracked at a professional level and had virtually no repetition I do have one complaint. The whole blend of samples made the tone of the song sound raw and distorted at the lower frequencies. The samples really don't do justice to the tune here, though most of the lead samples sounded alright.

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Title: Subsequential (NB)
Filename: nb_subsq.mod
Posted Sun 28th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
As an easily listening song, Subsequential was pretty good. I'm not too fond of that genre but Nightbeat appeals to a greater audience with this track. It has some pretty melodies, and nice chord progression, but doesn't really go anywhere. In addition I thought the breakbeat was too loud and brash, and clashed with the whole soft ambience of the song. Pretty good samples! It has that nice indian flute sample I've heard in several other songs as well, and all the other samples are high-quality as well. The structure of the song is overly simplistic, however; you can certainly tell that this is 4-track just by listening to it.

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Title: Mordred and the rain (NB)
Filename: nb_oafk6.s3m
Posted Sun 28th Feb 1999
Rated 10 / 10
Mordred and the Rain is simply beautiful. It is by far the best song in the OAFK series; an emotional climax of a climax. On a more technical level, I thought it was cool the way the strings carried the melody and chord progression that was augmented by the harp, flute, pizzicato, and other instruments.. it just sounded wonderfully complete. This is as close to musical perfection as you can get in a mod, or just about anywhere, for that matter. The one and only complaint I have in this department is that flute sample again. It's just a little too high-pitched, and the way it resonates is irritating at high notes. Nevertheless this is a professionally orchestrated piece. As far as tracking errors go it was practically flawless. A+.

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Title: The Wicked Day /Nightbeat
Filename: nb_oafk5.s3m
Posted Sun 28th Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10
At first this sounded a lot like Dawn of Pendragon, but it quickly progressed into a climactic battle tune, then immediately falling into the aftermath - gloomy and dark. It's a nice touch how Nightbeat uses the emotion in music to tell a story like he does with the whole Once and Future King series. The Wicked Day is overall a very powerful piece if a bit short. Again this sounds professional, like it belongs in a movie. It sounds more like an entire orchestra than just a 12-channel s3m. It's really remarkable how Nightbeat manages to give each song its own identity (and using practically the same samples for each one, at that) while they all contribute to something greater than one song..

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Title: Guinevere's Theme (NB)
Filename: nb_oafk4.s3m
Posted Sun 28th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Guinevere's Theme was a nice interlude from the main plot of the Once and Future King series. It is mellower and different from the rest of the series, yet has little fills that identify it as Arthurian fitting into the theme of the series. Of course, most people will probably see it as a corny love song, but nevertheless it is a good song. This is really the only song in the series that sounds different, mainly because of the woodwind sample that is dominant throughout the entire piece. This song seems thicker than the rest of the series, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Clean tracking job - good samples - what is there to say?

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Title: City of Legions (Nightbea
Filename: nb_oafk3.s3m
Posted Sun 28th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10
While City of Legions is a great song in itself, I consider it the weakest one of the Once and Future King series. Mainly because it does not have an identity of its own - in the beginning, it sounds like The Dawn of Pendragon, Part 2, and in the end, it sounds like Mordred and the Rain, Part 2. It does have some good melodies and, as I've said before, would be great standing alone, but as part of the series it just sounds like filler. Samples are the same as in the rest of the series - I do have a complaint about the flute sample, though. On a sustained note you can hear the flute resonating over and over again, and it clashes with the rhythm - listen to it and you'll see what I mean.

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Title: The Sword in the Stone/NB
Filename: nb_oafk2.s3m
Posted Sun 28th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This song sounds like something out of a professionally done Arthurian movie (as does the rest of Nighbeat's series). The whole tone of the song is happy-go-lucky yet it manages to change moods to tell a story, which is a very cool and very novel idea for a song. Musically Sword in the Stone constantly changes melodies while maintaing a theme. Even if you don't like orchestral music this is well worth downloading. For its dated technology this song actually sounds quite professional and clean. The samples are pretty good, as far as 8kHz, 8-bit samples go, although they do sound muted at times. There was also a sample loop at the beginning that was annoying, but it was only for a few seconds. Overall very professional-sounding.

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Title: - One Must Fall! 5 -
Filename: FALL5.MTM
Posted Sun 28th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
a change of pace with this part of the series, much more heavy beat, using a electric guitar that sounds pretty awesome really. its just a shame that they couldnt have made the parts longer, as this one could be a mod all by itself really. Anotehr top notch construction work. nicely done, although i think the drums are drowned out a little by the rest of the samples. The samples them selves are once again quite good, and defintaly orignal sounding.

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Title: - One Must Fall! 4 -
Filename: FALL4.MTM
Posted Sun 28th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Nice funk beat to this part of the series. Although it tends to be a bit bland in places, its a nice tune to listen to nevertheless. nice electronic trance sounds used as well. all in all not a bad effort at all. very well constructed mod. The Samples are all very well done, and the song flows smoothly along. Also sounds like theres a lot more then just 5 channels too, very well done indeed

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Title: Heaven's Gates
Filename: nuke-hg.xm
Posted Sun 28th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Musically, this song was pretty dull. It had a kickin rave sequence that got old after the 15th time or so. Most of Nuke's songs are like that - good overall melody but not enough variation to keep things interesting. Most of the problems were in this problem. Namely the samples. The whole tone of the song was fuzzy and muted, probably due to bad samples. It sounds like the whole song was put through an equalizer and cranked wayyyyy up on low frequency. Still Nuke is quite good as far as competence with the tracker program goes, and this song was assembled pretty cleanly (other than the obvious sample problems)

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Title: Embrace of the dark
Filename: nuke-eod.xm
Posted Sat 27th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Musically there is not much going on in this song. Like much of Nuke's other songs there is a good melody but a lack of variation besides adding other samples that parrot that melody. Embrace of Darkness is a solid rave song but nothing I'd wet myself over. Some complicated stuff was going on; cool effects used on the main acid chord progression. The tracking in general lent this song an almost insanely fast quality. Very cool. The samples were also well chosen, a good combo of percussion, beat loops and acid sweeps.
