The best of Sine Orchestr (
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 12th Sep 2007
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Title: "The best of Sine orchestra" Author: Vincent Voois Date started: Oct. 3rd 1997 Date ended: Oct. 6th 1997 Lasting: 2.33 mins. How to make an ugly song lesson 3 : "What can i do with one sample?" Greetings: all guys and girls and collegues from #trax, #nlcoders, various none-scene related fans / intrested (you know damn well who i mean:)) and last and least my girlfriend aprox 2000 miles away from me: Olga Rodzevich, the last 18 songpositions are for you, i hope you had the same abused "Disney Moments" part of William's song in mind like i had, I have done my very best to reconstruct it as close as possible. I allways wanted to have that part of williams in SID format, well at least it's now in RICH SID format :) Up to pattern 17 is mine! (for those who think i've just ripped a whole song!) Fifi,"The poodle that roars like a lion." (C) 1997 General Noise Engineering
Song by Vv & J.Williams Groovy Compo 3 entry Sample by: Yannis Brown (Sorry yannis, not today) [Bass] Pluck [Basedrum-Echo] Pluck [Basedrum] Pluck [Melody1-svib] Pluck [Melody2-fvib] Pluck [Melody3-chord] Pluck [Arp2] Pluck [Arp3] Pluck [Arp5] Pluck [Arp6] Pluck [Arp7] Pluck [Arp8] Pluck [Arp9] Pluck [Arpa] Pluck [Arpb] Pluck [Arpd] Pluck [Arpf] Pluck [Arpg] Pluck [Arp10] Pluck [Arpbas] Pluck [Melody1-strl] Pluck [Melody2-strr] Pluck [Snare-sfx] Pluck [Melody2-Fltl] Pluck [Melody1-Fltr] Pluck [Bass] Pluck
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