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Abstract Feelings v2 (tma_knight_-_abstract.xm)

Info Summary

  • tma_knight_-_abstract.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 444.60KB in size and has been downloaded 501 times since Wed 29th Apr 2015 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 177080
  • Downloads: 501
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: f0da0c0f49250c4c27934e95fef3c3df
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 4
  • Uncompressed Size: 444.60KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License

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  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Info Internal Texts *

< Abstract  Feelings >

Composed by ..........
   TMA Knight & RoBSoN

Fucking! drum samples,
Tracking .............
            TMA Knight

KABBE voice ..........

We are sure that you -
will vote for us. Else

  Anyway,  this is a
THiTANiUM productum...


Look for other ThT re-
leases   X-)

Work time: 2 fucking -

We were  in really bad
mood.    TMA Knight is
very bored and  RoBSoN
is in his BLACK ThT T-
Shirt. TMA Knight also
wearing his fucking --
BLACK coloured -------
shiT-SHIRT  with a big
ThT logo  on its back!

Why can we call us ---
THiTANiUM? B-coz we're
hard as TiTANiUM......

GIGA-Greetinx at last:
 - CSiTA
 - CHiCK-LoW
 - ILL Gates
 - SaTaN (666)
 - Bagzi Lajcsi
 - Lakatos Zsigmond
 - ToMCaT 3
 - RoToR
 - TaRR
 - Ga'zKonvecktor
 - Anya'd
 - TurHa
 - minden BUZi
 - minden LESZBi
 - minden HETERO
 - BarKasz
 - To'th Imre MATH
 - Hadi Endre PROG
   ( A kurva anya'd)
 - KEX teachers
 - Gipsies
 - Jews
 - SeggHole
 - GiRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 - BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

except KoCa's MOUSE!!!

Mi lenni okos nagyon -
vagyunk.  Vagy te okos
mi. Te mi nem mi te.

KiBaszott (fucking) --
vindo'zos szuperszar!!

We gondolni that  it's
the leghosszabbst ----
song-massage.  (E'rted
a poe'nt? Massage-t --
i'rtam Message hejett)

Megeszed a kalapod, ha
ez nem lesz elso''? --

RoBSoN GrEEtS: (ABC) -

 - Apa
 - Anya
 - Teso'

TMA Knight GrEEtS: (?)

 - Apa
 - Anya
 - Teso'

I can't stop typing. I
can't stop typing. I c
an't stop typing......

Ko'KuSZ GrEEtS: (????)

 - Fuck-ula-chick-low!
 - UUUaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
 - PoyZone

T H i T A N i U M ....
Magic word...  Magical
meanings. We are the -
bests! I (TMA) am  the
coder, the musician  &
the coolest guy.

RoBSoN is also a coder
and a musician. All --
ThT members are coders
and musicians.........

BUT at last: We hope -
you feel all our prodz

-> SIGNED OFF <-------
1996.07.20. | 5:09:20!
-> Da Fuckin' TMA K <-
Most la'tom csak, hogy
milyen sokat lehet ide
i`rni. A fene vigye el
hogy ezt eddig nem ---
vettem e'szre ........
<x> Viszont  akkor <x>
sem fogom telei`rni...



Final corrections: the
Final corrections: the

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