untitled (zuma.mo3)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 21st Dec 2015
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Posted by Slender on Sun 3rd Mar 2019, rated 8 / 10.
This is quite a nice module from the game Zuma by PopCap Games. While I haven't played the game, this is very good music which oddly makes me think of tribal rituals for some reason. My only gripe about this is that it uses a lot of drum loops, which can make the tune boring after a while.
This is quite a nice module from the game Zuma by PopCap Games. While I haven't played the game, this is very good music which oddly makes me think of tribal rituals for some reason. My only gripe about this is that it uses a lot of drum loops, which can make the tune boring after a while.
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Reminds me of my childhood. My grandparents used to play this game a lot.