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Turiya (buddhi11.it)

Info Summary

  • buddhi11.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 2.01MB in size and has been downloaded 6709 times since Mon 2nd Aug 1999 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 184
  • Downloads: 6709
  • Favourited: 3 times
  • MD5: 9c43ccb4d5e55a13a49ba2cea352f23c
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 64
  • Uncompressed Size: 2.01MB
  • Genre: n/a

License License


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  • Member Rating: rating (Unrated)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Info Internal Texts *


                              Composed By:

                             Psylent Buddhi



 Sonic Presence: 9:05 Min                    Release Date: August - 1999

 Recorded at: The Temple Of Light - A Gate To Spiritual Enlightenment

 Visit the homespaze of Stargaze at "http://listen.to/stargaze" for more

 info & music.

 E-mail: moksha_dk_hotmail.com - Feedback would be nice! Do not hesitate

 a moment to drop me a few lines and let me know what you think & perhaps

 tell me about your tracked music!


 This track uses the cutoff/resonance-filter in Impulse Tracker which
 requires MMX-processor and an appropiate MMX-soundcard driver (check IT's
 list of drivers). For best peformance I highly recommend that you use
 "Modplug Player". If none of these things are available to you, then this
 track will not sound correct!


 Well, I tried to stay as close up to the unique style of Astral
 Projection and try to mix it with the typical, "flawless" UK sound.
 Actually this track is highly inspired by an Astral Projection track
 called "Visions Of Nasca". What I tried was to capture the fantastic
 atmosphere within that track. Whether or not I succeded I'll leave it to
 you to be the judge. Personally I don't think it's possible to do it for
 anyone else than Astral Projection. I would just like to state that I'm
 not a huge Astral Projection fan but I admire them for always staying
 original and not like many other artist in the modern psychedelic scene
 riding along on this late 90'ties wave of minimalism. (I hate minimalism)
 This was a bit of a monster to make - so please pay attention to
 all those small "Subtle" changes within the track. Hope you enjoy this
 danceable, at times repetitive, psylent(!) psychedelic stomper!(??)


 Please don't bug me about samples, I've tried to give all of the sample-
 creators proper credit. But the sample credits only show where I have
 taken them from, it does not necessarily show the original creator of
 each specific sample. I'm sorry for that but it would have been almost
 impossible to do!

                          :(c) 1999 Psylent Buddhi <- what a load of crap!

   Press: Shift + F9


   I M P O R T A N T

      N  O  T  E

  C O N C E R N I N G



Credit - Xcerx
Credit - Xcerx
Credit - Cyberzip
Credit - ?
Credit - Symbiote
Credit - Spoiler
Credit - Spoiler
Credit - Symbiote
Credit - Suburban
Credit - Jrb
Credit - Symbiote
Credit - Cyberzip
Credit - ?
Credit - Jrb
Credit - Jrb
Credit - Jrb
Credit - Jrb
Credit - Jrb
Credit - Jrb
Credit - Jrb
Credit - Jrb
Credit - Jrb
Credit - Jrb
Credit - Jrb
Credit - Matrix Cubed
Credit - Mantis (?)
Credit - Matrix Cubed
Credit - Mantis (?)
Credit - Matrix Cubed
Credit - Mantis (?)
Credit - Matrix Cubed
Credit - DNATrance
Credit - DNATrance
Credit - DNATrance
Credit - MAZ
Credit - MAZ
Credit - Mantis (?)
Credit - Jrb
Credit - Heatseeker
Credit - Matrix Cubed
- Me...
- Me...
- Me...
Credit - Matrix Cubed
Credit - Matrix Cubed

- In case of any doubt
 this shows where the
samples are ripped from -

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
