Solomon Dark (skaven252_-_solomon_dark.mo3)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 15th Oct 2022
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Solomnon Dark music suite Composed by Peter Hajba 2011-2013
Strings.Marcato Strings.Adagio Brass.Wagner Choir Choir.adagio DR_BigFloor01 Strings.Pizzicato DR_TrailerTom Brass.FrenchHorn.Marc AcousticG DR_Timpani Strings.Tremolo.3T Brass.FrenchHorn.Crescend Strings.PsychoRip Strings.Marcato.Short PipeOrgan.marcato MusicBox DR_Anvil DR_SlapTom Brass.FrenchHorn.Soft ChainTambourine DR_TomDjembe DR_Snare.Roll DR_Snare.Hit DR_OrchBD DR_Hihats DR_Shaker Strings.Andante Strings.Tremolo.6T WW.Flute DR_Timpani.Deep Choir.Andante AcousticG.soft PipeOrgan.Adagio Brass.Wagner.Soft Bass.Saw WW.Flute.flutter Strings.Horror DR_Cymbal DR_Gong HiHat.clockmaker MusicBox.InPad AcousticG.short Bass.Saw.Dug PianoReverb.short MalletReverb TibetBell DeepSineBass.sus DeepSineBass.short AcousticG.softer Strings.SKeep.LowChug StringsNewMarcato_C2 StringsNewMarcato_C3 StringsNewMarcato_C4 StringsNewMarcato_C5 StringsNewMarcato_C6 StringsNewMarcato_C7 BrassWagner_C3 BrassWagner_C4 BrassWagner_C5 BrassFrenchH2_C3 BrassFrenchH2_C4 BrassFrenchH2_C5 BrassFrenchH2_C6 Choir_C3 Choir_C4 Choir_C5 Choir_C6 Choir_C7 DR_MiddleEarth DR_MiddleEarth_2 DR_MiddleEarth_3 DR_MiddleEarth_4 DR_Orch BD DR_SnareFTen DR_SnareFTen_roll_shorter DR_TomDjembe DR_TomDjembe_2 DR_TomDjembe_3 DR_TrailerTom DR_TrailerTom_2 DR_TrailerTom_3 DR_TrailerTom_4 Pz_ - Pizzicato Pz_ - Pizzicato_2 Pz_ - Pizzicato_3 Pz_ - Pizzicato_4 Pz_ - Pizzicato_5 Pz_ - Pizzicato_6 NiceAcoustic.low NiceAcoustic.High DR_Timpani PsychoRip_C7 PsychoRip_C8 PipeOrgan MusicBox_Loop DR_AnvilReverb SlapTom ChainTambourine1 ChainTambourine2 DR_BT_HH1 DR_BT_HH2 8oh8clsd DR_SnipHihat01 DR_SnipHihat02 DR_BT_HH3 DR_Shaker Flute_C5 SawBass StringsHorror01 OrchCymbal Gong-dynakilled HiHats.clockmaker ShortRevPiano_C6_hp ShortRevPiano_G6_hp ShortRevPiano_C7_hp MalletReverb-C7_hp MalletReverb-G7_hp Tibetron-looped SineWithHarms-fadeinloop String_Low
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Another amazing (as expected) game soundtrack from Skaven. Unfortunately, the game it was composed for was derailed and abandoned; had the developer not shared the Abandonware version to the internet, this module probably wouldn't have seen the light of day. :')
(Psst... Stay tuned for Hamsterball 2 by Raptisoft! Skaven is going to compose something great for it!)