11 Weeks (Burkey Remix) (b-11wks.it)
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"11 Weeks (Burkey's 77 Day Sunset Remix)" RECOMMENDED FOR MMX FILTERS... (see instrument list...) Original by Alex Smith Remixed by Burkey (aka James Burke) of Project 2501 on 7th July 1999 Comments: Here's my interpretation of Alex Smith's excellent 11 weeks. It continues my series of summer sunset remixes. I still think the original of this is better though, so go to http://come.to/AlexS and download it now!! Greetz from Burkey fly out to: Alex Smith > Keep writing those excellent tunes! You are the next Chicane! Robbie G > You actually read the comments?? Phil J > So, what do you think of Sonique then? Matt Darey > He won't read this, but this remix was greatly influenced by him, so I had to give a shout out to him :-) Ferry Corsten > He won't read this either, but he was another influence... Emergency Exit > Whatever will you think of next? Lunar Gravity > So the world didn't end then... ;-) Code-X > When are you ever going to use your ICQ? CrazyAnt > Where have you gone?? hT > Check out the Loveland remix by Smiffy (Alex Smith) at my site! :-) Email Alex Smith : alexs_apexmail.com Alex Smith homepage : http://come.to/alexs Email Burkey : burkey_cyberdude.com Burkey homepage : http://surf.to/burkey Peace out, Enjoy the summer sun!! ;-) Email Project 2501 : p2501_usa.net Burkey of Project 2501 Project 2501 homepage : members.xoom.com/p2501/
RECOMMENDED MMX FILTERED PLAYERS : Impulse Tracker with MMX filters on... www.noisemusic.org/it/ MikIT... www.stack.nl/~mikmak Sonique (#1 PLAYER!!!) www.sonique.com closed hihat [CyberZip] goa snare [CyberZip] pizzicato [g-day] 909 bass drum [ideck] beep [dj larry] bass [k303] hihat [dnatrance] clap [dnatrance] air strings [TBO] hard bass [?] watery sfx [?] flanged fx [burkey] atmospheric build [?] cymbal roll [awesome] record swing [cryptor] cymbal crash [jay] 303 thingy [dnatrance] heavenly voices [k303] snare [dj unique] guitar [solution NGS] flanged sequence [burkey] fading strings [dj yan]
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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