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The Only Time... (E-Keet) (electric_keet_-_the_only_time_im_real_is_when_im_not.it)

Info Summary

  • electric_keet_-_the_only_time_im_real_is_when_im_not.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 473.89KB in size and has been downloaded 203 times since Mon 13th Nov 2023 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 201996
  • Downloads: 203
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 9999c21716ff4a86d99cee9d5f12d4f3
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 21
  • Uncompressed Size: 473.89KB
  • Genre: n/a

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Info Internal Texts *

 The Only Time (I'm Real (Is When I'm Not))
 by Electric Keet
 for Trippy Compo 7

 modifications to original samplepack:
   ï¿½ re-tuned all so pitch-pan would work properly
   ï¿½ added slight vibrato to all for just a touch more sonic depth

 addition to original samples:
   ï¿½ noise sample (#12)

 total offset effects used:
   ï¿½ a great many in the last five channels

 bugs found in Schism Tracker while composing:
   ï¿½ using the 8 key to preview rows in pattern-edit mode is... fun
   ï¿½ NNA counts in playback-view (F5) start at four with each new note
     then roll toward one, regardless of actual value
   ï¿½ NNA types shown in playback-view are wrong

 total number of fish sandwiches eaten during composition:
   ï¿½ three, not all in one sitting, and they were quite delicious

 All meat and no spark makes Keet sad....


\     the
 \     only
  \     time
   \     I
    \     am
     \     real
      \     is
       \     when
        \     I
         \     am
          \     not
           \     !

    by Electric Keet

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