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Yönseutu (ari_manninen_-_nseutu_viikate_cover.xm)

Info Summary

  • ari_manninen_-_nseutu_viikate_cover.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 4.57MB in size and has been downloaded 109 times since Sun 21st Jan 2024 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 202998
  • Downloads: 109
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 8ce6a41a3eb42c920ed3d25129b51d98
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 22
  • Uncompressed Size: 4.57MB
  • Genre: n/a

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Info Internal Texts *

   Yönseutu - Viikate

         tracked by
        Ari Manninen

 5th of September 2001

All guitar samples and
vocals by me. You can
use guitars but don't
use those vocals which
are below every
Bass by Cadaver
Drums from everywhere
I'm back from army
duty, and lots of
things have changed.
I have moved into own
apartment with a woman
I love. We've been
together since 6th of
January, just two days
before my military
service began. Now
I've been studying
business economy in
Laurea polytechnic
over a week.
(whee! a week! :)
I have this shitty 486
that does only work
smoothly in mono and
8-bit :( So I won't
do much of stereostuff
for a while :)

About the coversong.
I bet that most of you
guys haven't even
heard about a band
called Viikate, but
I have and I can say
it's different and it
kicks ass. I love the
way of their lyrics.
That are traditional
and so finnish so
finnish:) I'd like to
quote their motto to
descripe 'em best:
"Elämä on niin pirun
raskasta toisinaan"
"Life is so bloody
ponderous sometimes"
They have more heavier
and more metal songs
than this, but somehow
this song was the one
I decided to rape.
Ottivat malliksi
metsön laidan ja
pihamaistakin puolet
poijes. Mihin sitä
enää suksensa laittaa
kun porstuan seinä
on kadonnut. Kyllä
sitä suoran nuhteen
kestää, vaan
vihjailut on erikseen.
Mihin sitä illalla
päänsä laskee, kun
tyynykin paikkaa on
Eikä siinä muassa
tullut muuta, kuin
nahkavöihin uudet
reiät. On yönseutu
edelleen, sitä pahinta

Lattia kylmennyt aamun
tullen, ja univelkakin
entisestään. Kasvaa
kun takuumiehiksi
kelpaa, kuutamo, kaiho
ja katkeruus.
Särky ja kolotus
kyljet peittää kun
eilisen heinät on
patjoista viety.
Nyt vuode on lattian
levyinen, kera pölyn
ja kärpästen raatojen.


Naapuritorpan piipusta
nousee, sankka ja
kovin punainen sauhu.
Tarkemmin katsoen
selkään yön, ovat
seinähirret karanneet.
Jotain sentään hakijan
kelkasta jäi, ja
unhettu matkaansa
ottaa. Väsyneen pään
pettävät reiät, on
myllyn kivissä

chorus * 2

( - is the worm )

enjoy, seeya!

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
