Akira - The Darkcore (akiradark.xm)
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I know one should listen to a module at least twice through but honestly I couldn't face a second hearing. Loads of samples and noise but they seemed to be introduced at random! Any melody within this mod could not be heard. I suspect there wasn't one. Don't bother to download.
Internal Texts *
AKIRA - The Darkcore DJ Blinky _1997 Length 9:01 A tribute to not one of my favourite anime (that honour goes to Devil Man), but def. a benchmark in animation. Those of u with a long .MOD memory may remember Akira Rave from circa 1994 by Tom Szymanski This 'ere is a remix if you like (hehe). The bell and pipe samples were ripped 'Trip Hoppin' by some geezer i cant remember (sorry), but its on the Kosmic BBS 2 lazy 2 sample sum1 screaming 'Kaneda!'... For best results listen with headphones (& linear freq. table) jameskmercer _ntlworld.com Einstein- Genius Mind Newton- Gifted Mind Bill Gates- Brilliant Mind George W Bush- Never Mind Akira rave Apocalyptic neotokyo Mix another local West coast techno Release This one s by There likes this 1.smp 1.smp 2.smp Wind 5.smp 6.smp 2.smp 3.smp 4.smp 1.smp 1.smp 2.smp Beat Akira rave Akira-~1.wav Bang.wav Critic~1.wav Emptyr~1.wav Exitwi~1.wav Question.wav Newmai~1.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
I think this song might be about something called the "Akira".
Anyway, this is bad. It sounds like it had no direction because just about every sample was haphazardly thrown around in the track. It's, at the very least, listenable.