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Nothing to Say (din_0001.it)

Info Summary

  • din_0001.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 2.82MB in size and has been downloaded 1591 times since Tue 18th Nov 2003 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 38476
  • Downloads: 1591
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: a9ae4bd3d2ff5ccf562cfcf045f6657c
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 32
  • Uncompressed Size: 2.82MB
  • Genre: Experimental

License License

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  • Member Rating: rating (6 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Fri 1st Apr 2005, rated 6 / 10.

It's really nothing to say. I can't classify this composition exactly, because it's not a sample of pure style. The listener will find a hot mix of several different styles - something from trance, something from industrial or even rap. It sounds powerfully and depressing - nice choice for someone's extermination during the multiplayer combat. But the main bass line is very monotonous - adding more variety could enhance this tune. The sound line is clear enough - I've found no secondary noises or sample craps. I was listening this tune with XMplay (MOD settings: sinc interpolation, sensitive ramping, surrounf is turned off and playback mode is set to FT2) and there were no peaks of amplification, playback corrupptions or something else. There are several mistakes with samples panning, cause I can't say it is great idea to move hihats into the depth of stereo channel.

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Info Internal Texts *

        Release No.2
                                   L        ML       MH       H
        on ITv2.14p4   Equalizer _ 000-008, 016-006, 096-004, 127-006

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Song Info - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +

        "Nothing to Say"

        by DIN
        Copyright (c) 2003 Gauche Music

        5min12sec   93.75bpm   4/4

        Begun: Mar.18.2003

        Completed: Oct.29.2003

     |                                                             |
     |  orp- Orangator 2.0 Preset                                  |
     |  mgd- .WAV from McAvee Internet Guard Dog (over button)     |
     |   ma- Sample Collection(s) C/O The Mod Archive              |
     |   ps- Free Samples, Pitchshifter CD "www.pitchshifter.com"  |
     |  sdp- Paul's Sound Designer 2.2 Preset (yee-haw! love it!)  |
     |                                                             |
     |  Ripped Samples                                             |
     |    1- None yet...This is here out of habit.                 |
     |                                                             |


     It started as a little seed of a bassline, small and uninteresting.
From there it grew into a healthy, grim stalk-of-a-song, moving with a
small assortment of sounds picking up the theme.  Ummm...Errrr...

     It did start as a little bassline, playing out a steady, repetitious
beat, but I added the octaves to spice things up.  I hope it worked...  My
goal was to create a slow song, something I seem to have a great deal of
trouble doing anymore.  I invariably end up throwing in far too many 16th
notes and then decide to change my drumline into a quarter-note-driven
techno/dance/trance/(disco) beat.  After that, my brain turns to
nonterminating repetition, and something brown and smelly hits the fan.

     Fortunately, I conceived a melody before I got too far into the song,
something I can't or don't usually do.  Much to my chagrin, this kind of
development is a bit of a fluke for me.  I'm glad it turned out the way it

     This is also my first real attempt at using the resonant filtering.
I just recently replaced my old processor with an MMX, so I finally got to
see (or hear, rather) what all the fuss was about.  This is also one song
I'm satisfied to call DONE, unlike my first release (which I haven't yet
released, actually).  That song is still awaiting some tweaks so it isn't
quite so monotonous.

     That's about all for this one, people.  I love this scene.  Trackers
rule.  So long.

     Thanks go to:

       -God, being the inventor of things like music and hearing.  For
        strength, patience, and inspiration.

       -Jeffrey Lim and the crew that helped him put this program
        together.  Many, many thanks and blessings.

       -The Mod Archive, for all of the samples and MODs there to be used
        and appreciated, and for making it easy to search for things
        within the site.  Keep up the great work.

       -Agent Orange, for making Orangator 2.0 and providing all the sweet
        presets.  I'm looking forward to Virtual Orangator.

       -Nasca Octavian Paul, for making Paul's Sound Designer 2.2 and all
        of those great presets.  God bless and good luck.  I hope you get
        a job worthy of your talents.

       -Of course, anyone who likes this and/or any other tunes I end up
        releasing.  Hey, what's this brown stuff on my nose?

        *******   **** **    ***
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        ********   **  ***    **/Christopher Brewer

Got feedback?  Contact me with your take on things in the universe.
(or adjust your gain...)

  E-Mail: chrisbrewer_bellsouth.net

*   Use Impulse Tracker 2.14 or better, or OpenCP, for playback.  Sure,
there are some pops and clicks in it, but ModPlug Tracker screws up the
Resonance and that SUCKS MAJOR.  I still like ModPlug, but Impulse plays
it like I made it.  Otherwise it'll sound too bass and muffled (the
filtering works just fine on MPT).  Although, Cubic Player does strange
things to the retrigger effect.  Sometimes it sounds right, sometimes it's
off. <sob> Oh well.

    If you must use ModPlug, be sure to adjust the Q-factor sliders
in the Instrument tab for instruments 3 (202 Wide), 6 (Empty), and 12
(Percussion).  Set them at around 60-70% for a reasonable approximation.

Synth Bass
202 Wide

Pizzicato-ish String Pad
Synth Sweep
Synth Sweep 2
Choir Pad

Button Bass           mgd
Jungle 01             orp
Bass Drum 02           ma
Snare Drum 07          ma
R CR-78 Closed Hats    ma
R CR-78 Opened Hats    ma
Synth Bass             ps
202 Wide 1             ma
202 Sweep 2            ma
Crash Cymbal 1         ps
Empty                 orp
Snare Drum 22          ma
Bass Drum 32           ma
Typhoon Close Hihats   ma
Filter 0              sdp
PN Saw 1              sdp
Snare 37               ma
Filter 0 (reversed)   sdp
Choir 5               sdp
ACP Pad 1             sdp
TR-909 Crash(D0)       ma

"Nothing to Say" by DIN
(c) 2003 Gauche Music
Shift F9 for legend and
song info...

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
