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Into Oblivion-zolamegamix (intooblivion.it)

Info Summary

  • intooblivion.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.00MB in size and has been downloaded 3257 times since Fri 28th Jul 2000 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 46099
  • Downloads: 3257
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 6758640afd2e15c1b51d625ef9c63f7e
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 20
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.00MB
  • Genre: Funk

License License

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  • Member Rating: rating (9 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Sat 22nd May 1999, rated 9 / 10.

Wow... If you've ever wanted to know what perfection in .mods can sound like, this approaches it very closely. Opening with with a drumline and a funky bassline on the upbeats, you would almost start grooving, until the piano comes in and sobers it up immensely... The strings wash in over the bass, and the mood takes a sharp turn for the frighteningly somber. Then, the vocals... "She hides her face from the world, and wants to slip into oblivion." The full lyrics are available from the Impulse Tracker info sheet, and they're enough to take anyone by the hand and shake them awake. The original version of this song was a masterpiece in its own right, but Zola has taken it and smoothed out every single rough edge, polished anything that could possibly have detracted. She pitched the whole thing up a notch to remove the 'swallowed' quality it had in the original, and replaced the tinny organ sample with an amazing string sample. And she's re-recorded the vocals with her own voice. This voice will haunt you for nights after you hear the song... It's just... Perfect for the lyrics. Listen at your own risk, but you WILL regret missing this download if you pass it by. This is brilliant on the technical side as well as the musical. Every one of the samples is tuned and timed without a single flaw, and Zola spent such amazing effort on the vocals... I, for one, would love to hear her on more of her creations. Each of these samples is 8-bit, but you would never believe it by listening to the piece, nor to the samples. She's brought out each sound with stereo soundscaping as well as panning, and even the music-box at the end plays an integral part in this piece. Even with 8-bit samples, I still don't know how in the world she managed to keep this below one megabyte, with all her vocals, but she's produced a real work of magic here... Working from an amazing original song, she amazes even more by perfecting it. Download this. Now. Put it on your regular rotation. Keep it for years to come. Feed it to your cat. Just get this, and listen to it.

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Info Internal Texts *

                             Into Oblivion

                             by (M)Rated

                             Lyrics by Tan*

                             5th July 1998

                             Zola Megamix

                             made by Zola

                             August 3, 1998


I have retained (M)Rated's original comments and Tan's lyrics, although I
have replaced (M)Rated's vocals with my own, and replaced the organ sample
with a strings sample.

I would also like to add that if you or someone you know is a victim of
child abuse, past or present, help IS available. One resource is located
at http://pages.prodigy.com/faulkner/help1.htm, which I found by doing a
search with the words "child abuse help". There are many more.

No matter what you have been told, you are worth it, and things can get


All vocal samples by Zola, strings sample a mix of three strings samples
taken from my Radio Shack Concertmate 990, musicbox samples from the same.

For reasons of space, most samples are of course 8 bit. For the full, 3.5
meg monster, visit my home page!

Thanks to MP Productions who has patiently listened to every stage of this
remix and provided helpful comments every step of the way

Thanks also to (M)Rated, who, upon submitting this tune to Trax In Space,
was greeted by an ICQ message saying "Can I remix it? Can I please? Can
I?" and who gave his permission.=)

To Steve, always

Hello to

Ashura X
Big Bad Boo

And all the rest of my friends at TiS, who are too numerous to list. If I
missed you on this one, I'll catch you on the next!

Visit my homepage http://www.center-nebula.com/Zola


                          Original Song Info

        Hiding in the Shadows is a girl;
        Who hates the world.

        Scared and abused.

        She hides her smile;
        And wants to slip into oblivion

        Whose eyes are empty and stare;
        coldly at the world.

        Who Hurt You;
        Who Hurt You;
        Who Hurt You;
        Little Girl?

        She hides her smile;
        And wants to slip into Oblivion


 Well here's something you probably haven't heard before... me singing!
 The samples sound a bit strange when played through Impulse Tracker so
 you might want to use MikIT for a cleaner sound.  I started this track
 with the bass & drums and it just didn't sound right... so I 'kicked' the
 bassline forward to the off beat and Into Oblivion was born!  The
 official release date is actually the date on which we held our
 engagement party!  Anyway I feel like I'm going out on a limb with this
 one so I hope you like it!


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 The lyrics are about child abuse and how, even as an adult, the pain
 still remains.




 The bass guitar samples were borrowed from the Chemical Brother's "Block
 Rockin' Beats" (if you didn't already pick it!)

 The snare was taken from a track by one of Australia's best bands "The
 Cruel Sea".

 The piano and organ samples were taken from my Korg 01/W synth.

 I have no idea where the hi-hats and kick drum came from (they were in my
 sample library) so if they're yours, thanks!

 And finally the vocals were all done by me while I was sitting in my
 study.  Not the best of recording environments but we get by with what we

 All except the kick etc. were recorded by me.



 Pauly W
 Dan W
 ...and the rest of the guys at Trax In Space! (too many of you!)
 and of course... Pulse!



 E-Mail                        : soutarm_ocean.com.au
 Work E-Mail                   : msoutar_nag.national.com.au
 G-Net E-Mail                  : michael_greatcircle.net.au
 ICQ                           : 808675
 (M)Rated's MOD Site           : http://mrated.home.ml.org
 Michael's HomePage            : http://members.ocean.com.au/soutarm/

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


 E-Mail                        : Tanya_Washington_nag.national.com.au



            (C)Copyright Michael Soutar & Tanya Washington 1998
                            All Rights Reserved


 Into Oblivion
 by (M)Rated

 Lyrics by Tan*

 Press Shift-F9 for info.

(C)Copyright M.Soutar and
 All Rights Reserved

   Zola Megamix
 created with permission

 Into Oblivion
 by (M)Rated

 Lyrics by Tan*

 Press Shift-F9 for info.

(C)Copyright M.Soutar and

 Zola Megamix

 Created with permission

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
