Maximalism (maxmlism.xm)
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Maximlisim has a "To and Fro" motion to it switches between themes a few times, the drums in the background sound very realistic, then there is the flute like instrament is perfectly blended in, and an awesome rythem to it even in switching themes. A nice song to listen to. The song like I mentioned before has a theme switching effect about a min after the first few notes, sort of like the introduction part, then goes on. Many instruments were used in the song that add to the size of the file 1.13 MB in all. The song it self is obvously in stereo with 16 bit sound quality, in all a very very good song
Internal Texts *
Voice Agogo Bell Bongo Dim Maj maj7 Min Trippy Wired Woowind Gothic5th piano Effect Whisper Voc harmonic Doooh Fxlarf glock pad Pan Perc1 Perc2 perc3 Tamb Tinker Slide5th Bass Bongo Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bass TripFX anolog hihat ohihat + Guitar Bank + P4 Non.accent Accent.yes Click.two 5th Crash Kick SmallSnare Snare Hihat Bigsnare SnareTom Tom Slap1 Slap2 Kick Tom Ride Snare S_trip.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Maximalism is true to its word as it comes in at a whopping 1.1MB (for its time), 65 samples and 30-channels. Even though the song appears to be bursting at the seams with the variety of instruments and samples Mick employed, he somehow melds them all together to produce a rather tuneful track. One thing with Mick is that his compositions are almost always tune-based. This escapes the fate of many demoscene compositions that end up sounding like glorified tech demos.
The only drawback with this particular track is the fidelity of many of the samples (likely in the interests to save space). As such, more than a few of them sound quite muffled or a little distorted.