An Angel's Dream (night2.xm)
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Night Theme (Chapter 2) An Angel's Dream ---------------------- Composed by Rico / CoS _1997 CoS Please do not spread this one without my permission. e-mail: rico01(a) This song was made for the graduation at K-lund 1997. ---------------------- ---------------------- Dedicated to Camilla -------------------- Respect Ancient Cultures... ---------------------- "Let Selene guide your steps through the night, and bring them to a new dawn." ---------------------- / Rico 970526 Through the mists of depressions a beauti- ful angel comes, surr- ounded by delicate music from above. She embraces me and weep because of my sorrows. I can not fight back but is drawn into an even darker shadow, where I find my soul. Terri- fied of what I see I close my eyes... I try to resist but is giving up faith in happiness... I want to believe but cannot do it... I'm dying... Slowly... delibrately... to the sound of music from above... I have finally found the everlasting sleep I have longed for so badly... A sleep never disturb- ed by dreams... My soul is dead and buried... Why should not I be so too...? I welcome you... Death... So long my only hope.. I am asleep... Channels: 32 Song length: 4.22 Size: 1782132 BPM: 53 Version: 2.01 Finished : 4/7 1996 Finished : 4/7 1996 Finished : 4/7 1996
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