Emptiness (nz_empt.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Emptiness by nitzer nitzer_home.se 1999 Strings 1 Vangelis GUS Patch Watrway2.wav 808cymbl.wav Close_07.wav Opl3_03.wav falcon
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A sad sounding piano begins this song with nice strings backing it up. Sadly this theme is repeated for too long, and though it sounds nice at first, it starts to get you slightly bored. Luckily some key changes have been made to keep the interest. Overall it's a nice relaxing piano tune. Now that I've reviewed three of this guys tracks on a row, Nitzer has shown that he can do great stuff with many styles. That's a very good thing, because for example me myself have been sticking only to dance music, because I don't think that I'm so good at the other styles. Technically this song is very good. Sample selection is great, they all work wery well with each other. I have to say that this song really demands something, as it takes all 32 channels at the same time, and my Modplug didn't follow all the times :)