Space Station (spacest.xm)
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_/ Space Station \_~ By Loop Email: ICQ: 11847863 Write me for everything other mods at: /artists/loop * January 1999 * HomePage at: http:// 20 ?
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This starts with a bass and a base drum, soon to be followed by a breakbeat making the overall soundscape to sound quite bassish. Not making it better when a bass guitar comes along too. Then some panning/pitch bass sweeps also comes and makies it even more caotic, after yet a while some strings that sounds FALSE comes too. Then a piano starts playing, this piano also sounds false. So i suggest getting the instruments tuned for a better song. If they would have been tuned this would surely have been a much better song. Panning and pitch bends, can be quite nice effects but the ones used in this song doesn´t sound well. The samples are of medium quality, but they are not TUNED to match each other. Also the backing up instruments are not playing on the same tone-scale as the lead, which makes it sound too false. The one good thing is that the breakbeat truely matches the style of music.