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-Beyond my reach- (mre-bmr.xm)

Info Summary

  • mre-bmr.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 2.77MB in size and has been downloaded 6765 times since Thu 30th Sep 1999 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 990
  • Downloads: 6765
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: 1c1cea406993102ac142c4a2897a0b18
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 32
  • Uncompressed Size: 2.77MB
  • Genre: n/a

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Info Internal Texts *

 - Beyond My Reach-
By Mister_E of
    -OutBurst Group-
D8 finished: 21/09/99
Melodic Hardtrance?
Dunno. I actually
tried to make goa in
the beginning, but as
is seems, I can't do
that...I always end up
throwing in some
strings and choir,
and that kinda turns
it into more trance,
but heck! I like it
this way, so...

I had a very hard time
figuring out what to
call this, I almost
suggested myself
to call it [no title]
but since I've already
done a remix for
W-Dixon, who made a
track with that title,
I guess that'd be
kinda dumb =)
This track represents
something that has
been on my mind a lot
the last weeks, this
longing, or yearning
for something I cannot
describe, even to
myself. It's like I
know that there's
something out there
that awaits me, but
I can't, I just can't
find out what it is.
My dreams always
leave me to wake
up in the middle of
the night, gasping
and longing for some-
thing. It's like cha-
sing a reflection,
every time you get
near, it blinds you
and disappears...
Either way...Any and
all feedback on this
track is WELCOME
(yes, I meant that! =)
at: Mister_E_666 (at)
get2net.dk or
I cannot improve unles
I get feedback :-)
Greets dis time around
fly out to: All of OBG
being Acid Bee, Factor
DJ Arsenic (when do I
get to hear some of
your tracks? =)
and Diablo...Anyone I
forgot? Sorry =)
All of AudioStorm:
I-Motion, Stagger and
Neophyte (when do I
get to hear some of
YOUR tracks? =)
Gigantic greet to
Psylent Buddhi/
Stargaze :-)
all at NEURO:
Jack The Tripper.
and uh...All I forgot
as well!
(off scene) Acidman.
Lord Soth. GuruJT.
All on my ICQ list,
my ICQ UIN is 36085200
(that is a "hat"
(french thingie called
circonflex, if I got
it right, the thing
after R...FT2 can't
show it correctly =)
...Oh, and a special
hello would go to
O.G. - Thanks for the
feedback on DTTA 3 -
I am glad to hear
comments on my trax,
and even more when
people write good
things =)
Final notes:
Track playtime: 9:09
and uh...Extra greets
goes to Psylent Buddhi
of Stargaze for his in
spirational work :-)
If you like this, pls
write me and I'll send
you my URL list with
links to my other trax
styles include: trance
(all sorts), D'n'B and
much more! -Mister_E
Bass sound by
edited by me in
Cool Edit
Lead bass by
Psylent Buddhi of
Angel Breath by
Bass Drum by
909 closed hihat
909 Open Hihat
Kick Open Hihat
By Sonic/Dental
String, from a
Lagoona Track
From a track by:
Psylent Buddhi of
Boom intro sound
by I-Motion of
Voices 1
Sampled by Heatseeker
"Voice of Blood"
From Heatseeker:
"Hypnotic Vampire"
Voices 2
Sampled by Heatseeker
"Voice of Blood"
From Heatseeker:
"Hypnotic Vampire"

_Copyright 1998
Voices 3
Sampled by Heatseeker
"Voice of Blood"
From Heatseeker:
"Hypnotic Vampire"

_Copyright 1998
Reversed 909 Crash
909 kick snare?
909 short clap?
Space intro sound,
I think from a track
by Cosmos
Filter Sweep
from a track by
Psylent Buddhi of
Sample by Galmann

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
