travel to chipland (travel_to_chipland.mod)
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____yo! chip-fans! this is x-ceed/scope _how do ya like thiz tune, he? if ya think it's o.k. so feel free to use it but... ____don't forget 2 ___mention me in the _______credits! o.k. let's greet some friends: cloo/psl,irek.p/union __tarsh head/suspect mr.root/union,psv/kts the generat/old bulls _ninja,docent//union __jellybean/reflect __comet,___latro/obs ____flash/paradise _____katani/union ____zorglub/analog well... contact me 4 friendship & swapping here's my addy: __wojciech panufnik ___ul.husarska 16/6 ___05-120 legionowo ___p o l a n d ---------------------
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