1984 (ko0x_-_1984.it)
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.., :: . . ::: . ... .,:: .: ;;; .;;,. ,;;, .;;;;;;;. ;;;, .,;; [[[[[/' ,[' [n ,[[ \[[, '[[,,[[' $$$$, $$ $$ $$$, $$$ Y$$$P "888"88o,Y8, ,8" "888,_ _,88P oP"``"Yo, MMM "MMP""YmmP "YMMMMMP"m" "Mm, ´´ ´´ ´ ´ .. ::: Dedicated to everyone born 1984,.. [[[ Keep on rocking...you're getting old! 888 salute ,07 [[ ´ :. ::: Play with mpt or xmplay [[[ Turn Resampling off! 888 $$$ -ko0x_overclock.de 888 -11.02.2007 [[ -Tracked for a "shice" chipdisc. ´
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
wow, it's impressive! it's not only a chiptune; inside of it, you can hear a blameless medium-accelerated chiptune ambient. impressive melody by ko0x!