Magnetik Girl->JosSs (magnetik_girl.xm)
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Posted by Impaler on Thu 19th Aug 2010, rated 8 / 10.
This one has a swingtouch :-) Very relaxed, great songwriting and great samples. well done.
This one has a swingtouch :-) Very relaxed, great songwriting and great samples. well done.
Posted by a-lin on Thu 19th Aug 2010, rated 10 / 10.
The sax is particularly successful, it catchy. Very well done!
The sax is particularly successful, it catchy. Very well done!
Posted by 4516n41 on Mon 29th Mar 2010, rated 10 / 10.
I Love This Tune. It Makes me smile even when life is shit ;)
Keep it up!
I Love This Tune. It Makes me smile even when life is shit ;)
Keep it up!
Internal Texts *
By - JosSs - ______________________ - MaGNeTiK GiRL - -Cartuja's Version 01- Specially arranged for -GateToFuture 2001- ______________________ Greetings goes 2 Luty, Norfair,Anders&Lisa, BasilWaR,Vargard, PeterSalomonsen, Moby,Awezoom,Wonder Wizard,Sn_ked, and all the people around the scene... Un saludo especial a todos los trackers de la GateToFuture 2001. Extra BIG KISSES goes to Eva :) SMUACK! ______________________ Smpls by Tito, Necros Marwin, Moby, Norfair and many others. Extracted from Norfair "Streets of Venice" ______________________ Composed by JosSs ICQ: 126922412 ______________________ ---------------------- PoR CieRTo, TaMBieN uN SaLuDo a ToDa La GeNTe De La SPaNiSHDeMoSCeNe ---------------------- PaSSioNaTe LoVe GoeS To eVa ---------------------- ---------------------- ToTaL DuRaTioN 3 MiN (THiS iS THe SuPeR SHoRT VeRSioN :) TRaCKiNG TiMe 3 DaYS ---------------------- oRiGiNaL TiTLe - MaGNeTiK GiRL - oRiGiNal FiLe NaMe - JOS_MGNT.XM - ---------------------- TRaCKeD uSiNG FaST TRaCKeR 2.09 ---------------------- CoMPoSeD iN MaDRiD - SPaiN - PeNTiuM 133 SB-PRo (8 bits) FT 2.09 RiPPeD SaMPLeS ______________________ --- JosSs Was Here --- necros silke erek balrog sample pack by Norfair by Norfair trumpet marwin trumpet marwin trumpet marwin trumpet marwin trumpet marwin trumpet marwin trumpet marwin pulsepad.d50 (16bit.44khz) by Norfair moby moby moby moby moby tito? radix necros necros necros by Norfair by Norfair by Norfair hunz hunz hunz hunz balrog sample pack radix caramel/jisemdu
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Very good funky influenced piece of music. Very catchy and a great swinging touch.