The Dark Side (the_dark_side.xm)
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The Dark Ravens Presents --------------------- ---THE DARK SIDE--- ---------------------- by Dj Dark & Dj Raven dark_ravens01_hotmail Hi all fellow trackers out there. This is Dj Dark speaking, I hope you dig this one. FT2, cigarettes, booze , chicks, techno and everything else RULES As you can hear this song got it's feel from the quite superb Star Wars-movies. Since this tune was made during May'99, we havent seen Ep. 1 yet. We're norwegian. You can reach us on this E-Mail adress: dark_ravens01_hotmail .com Answer to your mail is 100% quarantied. The samples are all stolen from others.... SHARING IS COOL right Voice is by my close and personal friend Darth Vader. Our real names are Eirik Hafskjold (Dj Dark) E-Mail: nukewaste82_hotmail .com and my side-kick Martin Simmonsen (Dj Raven) E-Mail: nukewaste82_hotmail .com Other releases are: "FULL THROTTLE" which is a hardcore techno boom-bass speaker-blowin' hell-spawn of a mod. U want it? Mail us... Still readin' eh? What, can't keep your fingers still while listening to the music eh? Light up a Prince instead, mate. (duh) Whoaw, U ain't got a life do you! THAT WAS A HINT DUMB-ASS!!!! (stop clicking and get a life) ((that was for the really slow ones)) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh....!! What a shock eh....? Well, it's gotta taken time to read all this, so I guess U listened to the entire tune eh! Well, we know, it is that good............. (c) The Dark Ravens Well, Dj Dark signing out...... FOR NOW. Album release soon to be announced - Times Of Darkness rip from BobbaFat rip from BobbaFat
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