"This Isn't Looped" (this_isnt_looped.xm)
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Corwin //\ Acheron JustUs Digital & Silver Acorn Prod. In 1999 "Now kick this..." (Version 1.0!) For the only Hyper- card Demo ever made. Want a kick-tail demo track for your cutting edge production? Email us _: Corwin: Corwin_Sparrow_ hotmail.com Acheron_: dwarren_trideja.com "We got a hot one.." Additional samples: (8, 2 & 3) by (Simon Woodington & Derek Warren) (C) 1999 JustUs Digital "Here we go y'all" Enjoy the tune! paniiiiiiiiic note 1 paniiiiiiiiic note 2 "Hey Re-en!" Date: 05/08/99 paniiiiiiiic note 3 Xm Revision by Corwin Sparrow (not much of an update, really). CoRwIn //\ acheron JuStUs DiGiTaL & SiLvEr LiGhT PrOd. In 1999 "Now kick this..." (Version 1.0!) For the only Hyper- card Demo ever made. Want a kick-tail demo track for your cutting edge production? Email us _: Corwin: Corwin_Sparrow_ hotmail.com Acheron_: derek_trideja.com "We got a hot one.." Additional samples: (8, 2 & 3) by (Simon Woodington & Derek Warren) (C) 1999 JustUs Digital "Here we go y'all" Enjoy the tune! paniiiiiiiiic note 1 paniiiiiiiiic note 2 "Hey Re-en!" Date: 05/08/99 paniiiiiiiic note 3
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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