Lost in Harmony ][ (lost_in_harmony_.xm)
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Lost in Harmony by Super Slimer of MetaMorph Productions This is not really a remix, more of a complete re-build of one of my older songs. It was originally just a plain ambient song, but i got a bit carried away and it gets ummm sorta house like about halfway through. Hellos to go out too Rye Bread Mikey Muller and the peoples of #trax E^Mail danr_es.co.nz WWW www.es.co.nz/~danr (NZ access only) www.geocities.com /SunsetStrip/3806/ IRC irc.demoscene.org #trax MM-96 hey where am i? eeeeek! SUPERSUB.SSLIMER HANDCLP1.WAV CSHD4.WAV Cosmic.TB303BassSy7 (1 WEEBLE.WAV
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