What a day (what_a_day.xm)
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2002. Bliss and zalza. One song. Nothing more. WHAT A DAY (in drottninghög) Well it was considered a must. co-op between bliss and zalza in to a wonderfull song. The result is different. The result is pretty messed up. here you go. a lame, fast-made nonsens-song about beautiful days when you got nothing else to do than bad chips. . take care. originally done for a rebels chipdisk. But the disk was delayed, so the song was released on fairlight music's disk instead. (it was acctually trown in, in the LAST minute) patterns= 00 - 0D bliss: drums, bass and chords. zalza. SOLO 10 - 18 Zalza: Drums, bass and chords Bliss: SOLO rest: forgot. If anyone wonders: yes, both the beginnin and the end is typically bliss-art. Blame him: Bliss-o-matic_home.se Or else, blame zalza: zalza_telia.com
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This is really a very good chip-track. As written a bit mess up but with very good melody. I like this music, but the end is a bit weird.