trip into mappyland (elfan_-_trip_into_mappyland.xm)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 20th May 2008
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A Trip Into Mappyland. A weirdo-synthpop ad- venture in 4 channels by elfan / treo wooosch! to everybody I know. All samples made by me of course. 808 drumtrax made Xclusivly, the rest is esq.kt88 samples. (ouch! this is the NOISY 600k version) _1998 elfan / treo mappyland is a trade- mark of Konami Inc. 808.Cowbell 808.Drumtrack.Seq1 808.Drumtrack.Seq2 808.Drumtrack.Seq3 808.Rimshot -- 808_clap.xi -- size: 17 K loop: none type: percussion (c) 1998 MAZ Sample-CD: 'no.1 instruments' Esq.VCFBass Esq.VCFBass Esq.VCFBass+Saw Esq.VCFBass.HiFreq Esq.VCFBass.HiFr2 Esq.VCFBass.LoFreq Esq.VCFBass.LoFr2 Esq.VCFBass.wert 303.SquareLead 303.SquareLead.Filter Esq.LoQual.FlangeBass Esq.HiFreq.VCFLead Esq.VCFLead Esq.SawPad.DimMaj Esq.SawPad.Min Esq.SawPad.DimMin Esq.SawPad.DimMin2 Esq.FlangeLead Esq.SawPad.Maj
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Okay, now this is sick! I know a lot of modules by Elfan, and after just listening to this (without looking at the patterns) I was pretty sure it would look like the others - but then, the surprise: 4 channels?! Yeah right, this is some big awesomeness in just 4 channels! Nothing much to say... Typical happy synthpop music by Elfan, I love it. :)