The Sign Of Fate (malekith_-_the_sign_of_fate.mo3)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 12th May 2009
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Posted by Pip Malt on Sat 23rd May 2009, rated 8 / 10.
Cool orchestral track with vocals. There are some points where the instruments could have sounded more smooth, but this is a pretty good song overall.
Cool orchestral track with vocals. There are some points where the instruments could have sounded more smooth, but this is a pretty good song overall.
Internal Texts *
CHILDREN OF THE RISING SUN Musicdisk by Malekith & Cadaver 1.The Sign Of Fate (2:07) Legions from the north came to invade our southern lands Drawn by lust for blood and gold, under a madmanÆs command Overpowered and defeated, our wise men soon cried Tears of despair flowing at the sight of all whoÆd died But far away, beneath crimson skies, Four brothers stood up and swore to rise Revenge from damnation Suffer in oblivion From the scarlet flows and mourning shadows, Freedom and life would rise again...
tom Classic drums Timpani Pizzicato Cello Cellos Pizzicato Double Bass Cello French Horn Brass 2 Brass 1 HiStrings.HiQual(Marcato) LowString+cymbal Pipe Organ Choir from Unison Harp md md roll Oboe Piano Violin Sect Marc Hits Brass Section (Fluid) _SOFV1.WAV _SOFV2.WAV _SOFC.WAV _SOFF.WAV HitSello.Lower CelloEnsemble BigPizzicato.2.Warm KettleDrum 3.Hard Concert Bass Drum French Horn A#2 French Horn G3 French Horn C4 French Horn G4 French Horn C5 Pipe Organ C3 brass2.iff Piano C1 HiStrings.HiQual(Marcato) Pipe Organ F#4 Pipe Organ F#5 Pipe Organ F#6 Brass Section Brass Section Piano C2 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 Harp C3 Piano C3 Piano C4 Double Bass A3 Double Bass C4 Double Bass F4 Double Bass B4 Piano C5 Piano C6 Piano C7 Jarre.TempleGong Brass Section Brass Section Brass Section Brass Section CHOIR AHHS ah 000 Cello D4 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 brass1.iff Harp G3 Harp C4 Harp A4 Harp F5 Harp C6 Oboe C#4 Oboe G4 Oboe B4 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 VLNSMARC57-L VLNSMARC61-L VLNSMARC65-L VLNSMARC69-L VLNSMARC73-L VLNSMARC77-L VLNSMARC81-L CHOIR AHHS ah 000 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 CHOIR AHHS ah 000 _SOFV1.WAV _SOFV2.WAV _SOFC.WAV _SOFF.WAV
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Good melody with good samples. Nice composition, but it´s not Malekith & Cadaver´s best song.