SurfingOnASineWave (surfonasinewave.xm)
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This module has been spotlit!
Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 26th Feb 2010
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If you play this back with resampling/interpolation disabled, it sounds even better as some samples are more audible.
Here's a very good song, from the music arrangement viewpoint. Nice and professional waves and instruments, which add some beautiful "funky" atmosphere while listening to the module. ^_^
Not exactly a chiptune (I'm already waiting for the day when people will consider 1MB Renoise files as "chiptunes"), but apart from that, it's a nice tune with a funky groove. That slap bass is well embedded in the tune.
Great chiptune. "Surfing On A Sine Wave" flows great, and has a excellent melody, as well as samples and generally everything else in the module.
Easy listening music with chip. Very good composing and very good samples. I like this tune - it has lots of lightness.
Internal Texts *
Surfing On A Sine Wave Finished: 23rd February 2010 By Fearofdark This is just me having a little bit of fun with music:D A combination of slap bass and chip (with some stringed things in the background). All samples are 8bit (excluding the finger clicks at the start). Samples ripped from various artists, who I also took inspiration from (Radix, K.Koch, Alexander Brandon, Aceman etc...) 21 chan .xm. Modplug tracker is recommeneded to play this module, although it should also work well in XMPlay and other simialr players. CC Appreciated:) Enjoy!
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* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
As always another excellent piece from FearofDark. I think some chiptune composers would do well to study his work.
I agree with Some1NamedNate. Having resampling/interpolation disabled does produce a slightly different sound. It is worth trying once. I tried it in OpenMPT, other tracking programs may vary.