Midi on the Railroad (82429-railroad.xm)
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This module has been spotlit!
Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 15th Dec 2010
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I agree with Jakim's comment, this is really an excellent swinging music. Great idea and excellent composing!
Almost perfect, I'm completely surprised :D. Very, very nice variation.
Internal Texts *
I'm a workin' on the Railroad, all the live-long dayyyy ---------------------- A remake I made years ago using only midi-samples. ------------------ Actually quite proud of this, despite some odd notes and tracking errors in parts. ---------------------- Crash Cymbal 1 (Jazz) Open Hi-Hat (Jazz) Acoustic Snare (Jazz) Snare Lo (Jazz) Bass Drum 1 (Jazz) Piano 1 Piano 1 Piano 1 Piano 1 Piano 1 Piano 1 Piano 1 Piano 1 Piano 1 Piano 1 Acoustic Bs. Acoustic Bs. Acoustic Bs. Acoustic Bs. Acoustic Bs. Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trombone Trombone Trombone Trombone Trombone Trombone Trombone Trombone Trombone Trombone Brass 1 Brass 1 Brass 1 Brass 1 MutedTrumpet MutedTrumpet MutedTrumpet MutedTrumpet MutedTrumpet MutedTrumpet MutedTrumpet Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Jazz Gt. Jazz Gt. Jazz Gt. Jazz Gt. Jazz Gt. Jazz Gt. Jazz Gt. Clarinet Clarinet Clarinet Clarinet Clarinet Clarinet Flute Flute Flute Flute Flute Flute Flute Oboe Oboe Oboe Oboe Oboe Oboe Standard Jazz Jazz Jazz Jazz Jazz Jazz Jazz untitled untitled untitled
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
OK it uses the most overused MIDI samples in history but so what? This is actually quite good :).