Spheroid (spheroid.it)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 19th Jul 2013
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Spheroid by Timelord 16 years later, here is another one. The 23 other songs are available at http://www.modarchive.org If you would like to download them, do an artist search there for "timelord" (c) June 2013 - composed by by Rob Gergely. contact me here: tl_vortex.org no commercial use without permission. Most samples here came from Saga and his "Daydreams" song. Check out his site: http://sagamusix.de/
EPiano Pad Soft Velocity EPiano Pad Hard Velocity Hi-Hat Open Bass Drum Snare Rim Snare Rim Snare Dimensional Pad Lunatic Soft Lunatic Mid Lunatic Hard Kick Hit Belltree Spectral Atmosphere 12-String Guitar Celestel Seasoning Guitar Mute Cowbell Claps Reverse Crash Synth Voice Power Synth Wavestation Bell Steel Guitar Steel Guitar Glissando Analog Brass Swell 4-Operator FM Bass pulsate.sam line.bass soul.bass piano.syn anti4 anti5 anti1 UNDULATTE.WAV cube-2_plus2.wav hi.string d50.epiano.Pad d50.epiano.Pad d50.epiano.Pad d50.epiano.Pad d50.epiano.Pad.Hard td20.hihat.crash.a.004 td20.bd.101 td20.snare.036 td20.snare.070 td20.snare.069 dimensional.pad lunatic.soft lunatic.mid lunatic.hard indian.synth yamahamotif.es.belltree spectral.atmosphere 12.string.guitar celestel.seasoning hi.string p.cowbell.2 claps.syn.x5 cy.crash d.v.p.1 low.tone.bass analog.w.bell psr83.steel.guitar psr83.29.steelguitar string.stack pulsation.bass 4operator.fm freetime.watersyn line.bass thrive·chord piano.syn bh.anti4 bh.anti5 bh.anti1 deep.kick dip.snare Spheroid by Timelord 16 years later.. contact: tl_vortex.org (c) Rob Gergely Most samples here are from "Daydreams" by Saga check out his site: http://sagamusix.de
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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