Extrasolar (fod_extrasolar.it)
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Extrasolar By Fearofdark November 2013 My entry to round 2 of "S3XMODIT Mania" hosted on Battle of the Bits :D 36 Channel .it file. WARNING: Only plays properly in OpenMPT as I was an idiot and used the \xx effect. It should play back fine in XMPlay and the like, but the midi macro effects won't be emulated. (I promise I'll try not to use them in the next round) :)
Windows Notify Calendar house breaks bassy snappy PANTS.BAS bestfriendsquiz zunpet-lpbeg=4104-lpend=2 VEC3 Bass C 024 violin i my voice1 untitled square triangle noise Savage Drum claps perc Windows Notify Calendar house breaks bassy snappy PANTS.BAS bestfriendsquiz zunpet-lpbeg=4104-lpend=2 VEC3 Bass C 024 violin i my voice1 untitled square triangle noise Savage Drum claps perc untitled
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Lovely. Sounds like the loveliest mix between nu-jazz and drums and bass. Odd time signatures and nostalgic 90s sounds as to be expected.