Dripping Monotones (buddhi1.it)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 14th May 2021
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"Dripping Monotones" By ->Psylent Buddhi<- Of <-STARGAZE-> Sonic Presence: 10:55 min Release Date: 26/7-99 Recorded at: "The Temple Of Light - A Gate To Spiritual Enlightenment" Visit the homespaze of Stargaze at "http://listen.to/stargaze" for more info and music. e-mail: "moksha_dk_hotmail.com" - Feedback would be nice! Don't hesitate to drop a few linez! IMPORTANT NOTE CONCERNING PLAYBACK OF THIS MODULE: This track uses the cutoff/resonance filter which is a special feature in Impulse tracker. For playback In IT both MMX processor and MMX soundcard driver is required for proper playback. For best peformance i'd recommend Modplug. Track comments: With this track i tried to create both a "mid-climax" and an "end-climax". The "mid-climax" has it's emphasis on the rhythmic constellation while the "end-climax" is a "melodic climax". I don't really know if it works or not, despite the fact that I worked hard and concentrated to achieve "the perfect sound". Maybe i'll realease this in mp3 format after having "equalized" this monster. AGAIN I MUST RECOMMEND MODPLUG FOR BEST PLAYBACK PEFORMANCE! If you don't have modplug you can find it at "www.maz-sound.com" under "PLAYERS". "ENJOY" Enjoy!!
Press: Shift + F9 Please read the I M P O R T A N T note concerning playback of this module in the message editor Credit - Jay Credit - Symbiote - in case of any doubt(!) this show where the samples are taken from - Credit - MAZ Credit - Squid Credit - MAZ Credit - MAZ Credit - MAZ Credit - MAZ Credit - MAZ Credit - MAZ Credit - Jay Credit - ? Credit - Symbiote Credit - Screes Credit - Xcerx Credit - Xcerx Credit - Keith303 Credit - Keith303 Credit - Acid Bee Credit - ME! Credit - ME! Credit - ME! Credit - ? Credit - Keith303 Credit - Keith303 Credit - Keith303 Credit - Keith303 Credit - MAZ Credit - MAZ Credit - Spoiler Credit - Symbiote Credit - Spoiler Credit - ?
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
The intro is rather boring, but after that's over, we get to listen to a decent psytrance track. The samples could be better (less overused =)), but the track is still rather nice.