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Dark Star (final) (arc-dstar-final.s3m)

Info Summary

  • arc-dstar-final.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 251.14KB in size and has been downloaded 504 times since Sun 14th Mar 2021 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 191331
  • Downloads: 504
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 77d21b997915793912f7f9cff91565d5
  • Format: S3M
  • Channels: 12
  • Uncompressed Size: 251.14KB
  • Genre: Electronic (general)

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comments Artist's Comments

artist Composed in October 1996, first version completed on October 17. I made some edits but apparently I never released the updated version, so here it is. Original version: -=≡Dark Star≡≡==--

If you’ve ever heard Purple Motion’s Astraying Voyages, you will clearly notice that it inspired this song. It’s probably the most obvious imitation of somebody else’s work in my catalog.

The note about coming up with the tune while walking my dog in the woods is true! Specifically, the tune was the main beeping sinewave theme that you hear throughout the entire song, from beginning to end. I still clearly remember coming up with the tune, doing my best to remember it as I came home, and going immediately to my computer to track it out. I didn’t originally intend for it to sound like Astraying Voyages, it just happened to turn out that way because I had that song on my mind a lot. Since it ended up sounding like a space-battle song, I thought of the first cool space-sounding name I could think of, which was Dark Star.

I didn’t realize at the time that the ending noise + boom effect was made famous by UnreaL ][ - The 2ND Reality, I had gotten the idea from that from a completely different song: Banished by Xenoc (who must have, in turn, gotten the idea from Second Reality).

I always considered this song to be better than Flight Through the Clouds, which I composed a few weeks before this. After listening to both and thinking about it, I actually think Flight Through the Clouds is slightly better than this one - mostly because I think it flows a bit better and has a touch more variety. If I were to completely re-do this song (and I might) the beep section will not be playing the entire time.

The original version of this song was much more repetitive. When I updated it, I added a bit more variety, a modified intro, and a new bridge section. Interestingly, the original version (which somebody else uploaded to the Mod Archive) contains an intro segment that I don’t remember doing: adding a short riff on a washburn guitar sample and repeating it before starting the main section. I wonder if somebody else added that before uploading it? I have used that sample in other songs, however, so it’s possible it was from me, but I certainly don’t remember including it.

My dog, Heidi, was a yellow labrador. She was a good dog who loved her humans and always enjoyed walking in the woods. Because she was often in the room when I composed music, Heidi probably heard more of my music than anybody else.
- arcturus

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Info Internal Texts *

beep.raw       Subliminal
Hup 0       Purple Motion
Hup 1                  PM
Hup 2                  PM
Hup 3                  PM
Hup 4                  PM
Hup 5                  PM
Hup 6                  PM
Hup 7                  PM
Lead               Necros
Bangin' Orch Hit       PM
Snare                  PM
D50-Heavy.dist3    Skaven
Halldrum               PM

Chord                 Sub
Kick Drum             Sub
Temple Lead
Dark Choir             Pm
Bang                Xenoc
Rumble              Xenoc

        Dark Star
An awesome 12ch S3M by

   ^               of
  / \            Quasar
/     \rcturus    4:17

Wow, this is a good song!
Took me only two hours to
make, too!  I came up
with the tune while I was
walking my dog, Heidi in
the woods.

(c) 1996 Quasar
10:25 P.M.

v1.1 Changes

Switched patterns in
intro so there are no
awkward panning changes.

Improved pat4 transition.

Added kickdrum throughout
the song.

Changed "Astraying Lead"
to "Temple Lead" from
When the Heavens Fall

Leads are now more

Rumble fades in

Final explosion sounds

2021 Notes:

It's been 25 years since
I put this song together.

While this does sound
derivative of Purple
Motion, I was proud of
this when I finished it.

I still remember coming
up with the idea while in
the woods with my dog
(she died in 2004).

I never released the
finalized version, to the
best of my knowledge. So
please enjoy.

Arcturus, February 2021

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
