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Amy's Lulliby 3:24 (jbn-lull.xm)

Info Summary

  • jbn-lull.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 92.92KB in size and has been downloaded 113 times since Sat 15th May 2021 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 191770
  • Downloads: 113
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: f43f97c5bebfa8d5fee512ee21d820d7
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 10
  • Uncompressed Size: 92.92KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License


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  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Info Internal Texts *

I need imput - is this
at all any good or
just really annoying?
 did you get so bored
  with it that you
skipped tracks? Let
me know.. Thanks.
 -  jaben_clark.edu  -
Title: Amy's Lulliby
Writer: Jaben
   an UNB_RN group
UNB_RN, officially
launched Aug 6th, 1995
   "Amy's Lulliby"
       time  3:24

Started and completed
on September 3rd, 1995

Jaben and UNB_RN
  retain all rights.
 Jaben and UNB_RN
     would like to
 officially state that
    the title "Amy's
  Lulliby " has in no
   way any reference
  intended for anyone
 accually named Amy...
  ...or named George
for that matter. Nope.
Anyone that thinks dis
  song is directed at
 them is a-sure-id-ly
 mistaken. So we don't
want any nasty lawsuit
or anything. No sir...
   and if someone out
there goes by the name
 of "Frank", well, we
We have our rights ya
know! So no one named
"Frank" can sue us...
which is a good thing
too 'cause none of us
have any money, we
spent it all on these
computers and are
savin' our next load
to register this FT2
thing. Understand?...
Look, it's very easy
   to comprehend:
  If you have a name,
   you cannot sue.
ANY name! We disclaim
it! Like I said, ANY
name: Amy, George...
Frank, Carl, Jed, Pat
Wilma, Fred, Pebbles,
Jenny, Jack, Zeb, AJ,
Trevor, Trisha, Bob,
Janelle, Travis, Dan,
Tony, Cheryl, Maryann,
Rumplestiltskine, Bo,
Moe, Lary, Curly...
Steven, Margaret, Ben
Phil, James, Debrah,
Jill, Khile, Mark, Di,
Ken, Barbi, Jannet,
Michael, Jackson, Fi,
Toby, Brian, Carman,
BeBe, Kirk, Spock,
Dr. McCoy, Barney...
Mr. Spiny the amazing
Donald, Mickey, Goofy,
Sam, Dukeof, Earl,
Humphrey, Dude, TJ,
R2, D2, 32, B2, Ornot,
Onfish, Twofish...
Bluefish, Joe, John,
Matthew, Luke, Jude,
Charlie, Willie, Jay,
Dane, Summer, Cary,
Karie, Kary, Carie,
Cara, Peter Parker,
"Spidey" ( Nick names,
are just plain out...
of the question ), DD,
Jim, Buck, Bubba,
Opus, Bill, Steve,
Milo, Binkley, Oliver,
Milquetoast, Lue,
Hanze, Franze, Puuk,
Nonienya, Wendy,
Dave, Thomas...
Sparkie, Rover, Zak,
Gerome, Albert, Dor,
Caspian, Laura, Zorra,
Lauren, Michelle, Mrs,
Twinkle Spleen ( we
don't even want to
KNOW about that one ),
Hobbes, Calvin...
Harvey the Wonder
Hamster, Alfred, CeCe,
Dean, Russ, Davis,
Janis, Judy, Karyn,
Jackie, Nelson, Willi,
BoBofett, Han, Chewy,
Diogee, Seeatee, Bud,
Crystal, Sophie...
Richard, Robin, Kenny,
Lenny, Benny, Ray,
Johnny, Nat, Natily,
Cole, Yeltzsincoff,
LooLoo, ect.,etc.,etc!

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