commodore_feelings.xm (commodore_feelings.xm)
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:kAoTiC 1999 :presents :Commodore Feelings :original version :Take your c64 :Turn it on :And feel the :original feeling... :Oh yes it's summer :Cool :I'll send my :greetings to... :...TRf/PCX, KvAzAr, :MagnetiC, THeriON, :BOE, Cj Fecoo, WYX, :SAN Tsung, Matt-u, :AttiS, Brain, TRS, :and to everybody :who likes ELiTE :CHiP music... :) :Other CHiP songs :can be ordered from :acoustic_freemail.c3 :hu :write!!!!!!! :...and :have a COOL summer! :-) :T = 3:56 :Spd = 06/159
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has its kinda relaxing vibe, love it