"Ascent of the Cloud Eagle" (ascent.s3m)
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This module has been spotlit!
Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 9th Dec 2010
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Great tune. One of my favorites for many years.
It's particularly nice that the song has a glowing endorsement for "Kampgrounds of America"... the native chant sounds just like "KOA! KOA! Ohhh, KOA! KOA! Ohhh..."
Ok that was my attempt at humor. But seriously, very sweet pretty song.
One of my favorite tracker modules from the legendary Necros. I have to disagree with the ambient label others gave to this track. It sounds more like Deep Forest with a lot more drive casting this song far afield from any potential new age tag.
FINE ModArchive, here's your comment.
Ps this mod rules.
Not what I expected. I like this song, but it's not as good as Space Debris. Admittedly, it is the best .S3M out there.
The evocative and breathy samples fit the theme beautifully. One of the best mods out there.
This tune creates a great atmosphere with a very nice flow and themes. I could listen to this forever.
In short: One of the very best S3Ms ever. Period.
Necros is the Himalayas of mod composition, and "Ascent of the Cloud Eagle" is Mount Everest. This is by far the best mod ever produced, ever, period.
If you pass by this mod without downloading and taking a listen, you're seriously missing out on an audio experience and a great lesson in composition.
This goes far beyond a mere mod; it is something you would expect to hear in a movie soundtrack... at the very least.
The mod community lost out in a horrible way when Necros retired from the scene and went professional.
Necros is one of my favorite artists so it is a pleasure to be able to review a greate song like Ascent of the Cloud Eagle. It is a soft ambient type of song and the music flows well and unlike some other songs the name suits the style of music. If you like ambient music, this is an excellent choice to download. The samples and instruments are well chosen and fit in well with the song. The song starts well with panpipes and gradually increases its pace softly with drums and the odd voice clip. It ends with birds singing and the panpipes fading off into the background.
Internal Texts *
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ascent of the Cloud Eagle -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sequenced / Tracked by · ■ Necros ■ · (FM / Legend Design / PM) for the NAID Music Compo net-mail: asega_ic.sunysb.edu
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
So awesome, the flute stands out very nicely.