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fly away (away.it)

Info Summary

  • away.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 524.77KB in size and has been downloaded 2692 times since Thu 3rd Jan 2002 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 34391
  • Downloads: 2692
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: 552fce2160d18458ec8c00cec9afb736
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 11
  • Uncompressed Size: 524.77KB
  • Genre: Electronic - Dance

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (3 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by warhawk on Sat 22nd Jun 2002, rated 3 / 10.

First I should point out that this song did not have the name of the composer in it, only his email: dlrpg@excite.com, so that's what I'll call him. This song is a remix, I can't tell of what song, but I can tell that this song is not very professionally tracked. It starts with the "mix" melody (taken from another song), and continues with some tiny drums and a simple "bom-tss-bom-tss-bom-tss" rythm along with some really simply bass. It goes on like that until about 1:50, when that "noise" fades out, and three seconds later, an acid sound comes in, in a quite enjoyable melody. Some small drums then comes in and it goes on for a short while. Then, to my great horror, the terrible bass and the evil drums come back in! And later also the simple "mix" melody comes back (Doh!). If the song sounds simple, let me tell you; It is! Considering I could describe the tune in detail in just a few sentances, you might realize it's not that much to listen to. The sound is empty since there are hardly any strings (some high freq strings have been thrown in a couple of places, but they add nothing to the sound). In the end, the song just fades out and leaves me wondering; "Oh? Over already?". To add some real critique, I can say that this tune lacks 1) Variation; 2) Melodies; 3) Pressure; 4) Good sounds. That sums it up pretty well. The song has 18 different samples, but in the end you are really wondering where they all went. The whole song is repeating old melodies and the bass (which was way too high volume) is plain annoying throughout the tune. I was not impressed with this song at all, way too simple, and way too long (4:58) to be enjoyed as a simple song. On the positive side; I did enjoy the middle part (1:50-2:38), it had a nice acid-sound melody which played for a while, only to have the bad bass/drums come back and ruin it a while later. The song also fades out too quick and it just leaves you sitting there. Overall; Uninpressive simple song which I cannot really recommend. Best of luck to the composer for future songs though.

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