bacardi (bacardi.mod)
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st-12:ml.orchhit st-12:lord-kickdrum1 st-12:photon-newsnare st-12:photon-newclaps st-12:photon-bassgit st-12:leo.flute st-12:photon-newhihat st-12:photon-newsbass
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Most of the ideas are good, though they are hurt by some questionable sample selections (more on that in the Tech section). I would have liked to hear more drums and less "other stuff"... I say other stuff because I'm not exactly sure what it is I DO hear. I just know I wish it were drums. Most of the samples are good, but there are two terrible ones: the "orchestra hit" and the "claps." Those two samples are horrendous. This would be a much better MOD without them. Lots of sound for 29k though.