Cappella Megamix (cappella.xm)
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Very good megamix using Cappella tunes. I've listened many times eurodance songs, so I think this module rocks. Great arrangement work.
Yeah, This tune surely roxx!!!!! I have never heard Cappella before but if they are better than this megamix they would rock the world. Ghidorah, I salute u!!! VERY good work Hugh Quality samples, only 605kb big. This one contains 4 of Cappella´s (what I think) best tunes, and they are very well putted togheter. As I said, VERY good work with this piece. Download it now
Internal Texts *
Cappella MegaMix by Ghidorah -- _1999 Ghidorah mail info: icq uin: 1099790 url info: artists/Ghidorah _____________________ First i made two of the songs separatly. But then i mixed them toghether. To a Dunder-MegaMIX ______________________ - remix info - U Got 2 Let The Music What I Gotta Do Move On Baby U Got 2 Know (songlength 2.24) - greets - warhawk, reptile hedeon , beeing haggeman, sky minoan, rejjdos djloud, damien mempheria, maktone adrenalin, xenophope ------ it was really hard putting this together and i am pretty satisfied with the result. send me comments if you want samples from various songs and artists. the big samples by me // Ghidorah \\ aka Petter Borling only listen in FT2 winamp suxx
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Awesome! 2 thumbs up!