.triple oppression (cc_trple.xm)
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the fundamental opposition in the world of today is the struggle for the resources of this planet between the wealthy, the oppressors, and the poor and oppressed at large, this cliff runs between the i-countries and the u-countries, which is very easy to see after the end of the cold war. when the conflict between the imperialistic super- powers of the east and the west ceased, the war between the north and the south became all the more visible. this global classwar is primary fought on the battlefield of the economy, by the (very small) rich part of humanity against the poor. instead of rifles and grenades the weapon of choice are skyhigh interest- rates, economical dependance and exchange on uneven conditions. the result is the same though: death for millions of innocent people. the rich world's exploitation leads to violance, criminality, desperation, social misery and raping of ecology. this is a one-side aggressive war and it's the aggressor who makes the rules. the military wars of today is more and more about economic power and liberation from artificial nationstate s such as jugoslavia and the soviet-union. note that the line between the ones who have access to the resources is the same as the one the rich and poor, which means that the resources will be used as weapons and threats in a conflict situation. but the class war is not just an internatio al war, it's also a war nationally between rich and poor groups. there are oppressed in the i-countries just as there are oppressors in the u-countries. the class line is between the few who owns means of production, fact- ories, machines, land and housing, and the poor who doesn't own anything. the later are forced to sell their work to the rich, who therefore can aquire workfree income by exploiting the many's very basic needs. most of us throw away about 40 years of our life on this modern form of slavery that's the capitalist oppression, undepending on if it acts as the liberal "democratic" model, or in the state-capitalist variant that we know from the communist dictatorships in the east. in companionship with sexist oppression and the racist oppression, those three oppressions correspond to the terms class, sex & race. these three oppression s are the rich's global beating-rod against the masses of poor! (thanks to PeA) don't sit back and ignore this: FUCKING FIGHT BACK! /altemark of tfsb altemark/tfsb 1998 (c) mutual aid k cybelius cybelius
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