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Let The Dragon Fly -Elk (ddrag.it)

Info Summary

  • ddrag.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 554.09KB in size and has been downloaded 3821 times since Tue 6th Oct 1998 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 36886
  • Downloads: 3821
  • Favourited: 4 times
  • MD5: f846de2cc353e038abecf18372fb4181
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 14
  • Uncompressed Size: 554.09KB
  • Genre: Easy Listening

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (8 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Sat 12th Dec 1998, rated 8 / 10.

Very well done composition. A mysterious intro captivates the listener's attention immediately and doesn't stop there. I appreciate the dynamics in this piece a lot. Very good use of strings and vibes throughout the song. The drum beat is solid although it could perhaps use a few more fills in various places. All in all, a very well orchestrated piece. The sample quality is very good in this song, all the samples blend together nicely. As I said, the intro is very good but I was kind of hoping for a more creative ending than a simple fadeout. I guess it fits in the song quite nicely however. Good use of the echo effect throughout the piece creating a "fantasy atmosphere." Well done.

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Info Internal Texts *

"The Dragons Were What The Men Feared Most When We Entered Havoni. The
Gigantic Creatures Owned The Sky, And There Was Little We Could Do But
Run. The Bodies Were So Many ... And The Smell of The Dead And Roasted
Was Terrible. The Red Chaos Dragon Was The Only Dragon I Could Like, But
He Was Mad. The Men Liked Him Also, Though As To How They Could Put Their
Faith Into A Mad Dragon Was Beyond Me..."

                                       -Darion, Paladin And Commander,
                                        Member of The Circle of Warriors.

                          Done By LittleElk    -98           Time:-4:36-

Yes! This Feels Right. Probably My Best Module Ever!

"Let The Dragon Again Ride On The Winds of Time." -Wheel of Time

This Songs Is Inspired From My Own AD&D Campaign, Where I Am So Lucky To
Be DMing ... No Forgotten Realms Or Any Such Settings, The Whole World
Made By Me From Scratch ...

The Style of This Song Must Be Easy Listening/Fantasy ...

To Bad I Didn't Make This One One Month Ago So That I Could Have Entered
MC6 With It ...

Listen To This Soft Music Describing First A Waking Dragon, And Then Its
Journey Through The Air ... High Up In The Skies of Caradaldan ...

Inspiration This Time Is Taken From Heart ... And AD&D Of Course ...
All Samples Are Ripped From Mick Rippon

Greets Go To: Phoenix, Zepsi, MarshMallowMan And BloodyMess.
I Hope This List Get Longer ... :)

E-Mail Me: soxwc_online.no
Meet Me On IRC: #AD&D Or #TraX On DALNet. I'm LittleElk :)
I Hope You Like This One ...

This Song Is Part of My AD&D Song Collection. Hear Also MoonRise, Rise of
Shadow, Bottomdweller, Prince of Darkness And Towers of Despair ...
This Songs (C) CopyRights Belongs To Me. If Copied Or OtherWise Performed,
I, LittleElk, MUST Be Creditet.
Ver.:-1.10- BugFiX
Ver.:-1.20- BugFiX, Plus Loads of Minor FiXes ...
Ver.:-1.21- Added E-Mail Address ...
Ver.:-1.32- Lowered Mixing Volume For Improved Quality, And Lowere
            Channel Volume On The Hihats, It Sounded Bad When Not Playing
            With 75% Filter. And I Added The Greets ... Argh, I Still
            Recommend Playing With 75% Filter ... :P
Ver.:-1.42- Muted Unused Channels ...
Ver.:-1.52- BugFiX, Noted That I Am Now A Member of Three Little Elks :).
            Other Members of TLE Are Rogstaa and Zepsi. (All the Good
            Nicks Were Already Taken ... :P ) Oh! And I Added The ArtWork
            Below! If You Have IT Fonts, Try Pushing Ctrl+T ...
Ver.:-1.62- After Having This Song Reviewed In United Trackers NewsLetter,
            It Seemed Some Things Needed Polishing ... Channel Volume On
            The Echoed Marimba Was Lowered SomeWhat. I Worked On The
            Drums, But Quite Frankly, I Liked'em Better As They Were ...
Ver.:-1.63- I Changed My Nick. No More Sox. I'm LittleElk From Now On ...
            And Now You Can Find Me On mIRC...
Ver.:-1.73- BugFiX In The Last Pattern...

                                              _-  /
                                             /   |
                           /|              _-    /
                        __/ /             /      /
         /\    /\    __/|\   \           /      /
         .   /\.  . /__\|/    \         /      /
                /\  \/\/_   \  \_      |   /   /
          ./\    .  ⌂⌂⌂⌂   /\\   -\---/   /    /--_
              .     \_____/\\ \      /   /    /    \
                            \ \\                    \
                             \\ \  -     /           \
                              \ \\                    \

    Press Shift-F9

By LittleElk

Samples Ripped From Mick
Rippons 'Alone'.

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
