Boston Lover (bl.xm)
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* Boston Lover * by Mercure / GMF This tune should have been my entry to the Saturn96 compo, but unfortunately I missed the deadline :-( Huge Mega Thanks to: SMK GMF Mystical Purple Sample credits: - Stevie Ray Vaughan - Dexter Gordon - Cold Cut - Several sample cds - My Korg 01W Greetings to everyone on the irc demo #'s: demofr/trax/coders Cya there !!! Contact me at: Patrice Tarabbia 34 rue Dessalles 31500 Toulouse = FRANCE = Special greetings to DD/Aurora for being one of the few to like my music :-) The Brass Pad Hi hat - open Hi hat - closed Pull bass Mega toms Finger bass Slap bass Ping cymbal Crash cymbal Funk Kick Tight Funk Snare Bass gliss The ultimate electric piano :-) Big funk snare Rimshot Voodoo Chile 1 Voodoo Chile 2 Voodoo Chile 3 Voodoo Chile 4 Voodoo Chile 5 Voodoo Chile 6 Ping Voodoo Chile 7 Voodoo Chile 14 Voodoo Chile 15 Voodoo Chile 16 Dexter 1 Dexter 2 Dexter 3 Dexter 4 Dexter 5 Not Dexter :-) Not Dexter :-)
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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