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Whispers'n the night (djisox-w.xm)

Info Summary

  • djisox-w.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 2.95MB in size and has been downloaded 12625 times since Fri 31st May 2002 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 39090
  • Downloads: 12625
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: 8ed70fddfc32355e116ae072ff1c0109
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 32
  • Uncompressed Size: 2.95MB
  • Genre: Medieval

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (7 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by drq on Tue 18th Jun 2002, rated 7 / 10.

This piece begins with the quiet chirping of birds, but after only a few seconds a string orchestra appears out of nowhere and scares the poor things away. The strings start playing a fairly simple chord progression, upon which more instruments are added as the song proceeds. The listener is first introduced to some very good drumming - great use of panning here, and the congas add to the feeling of primitive, natural rawness that the birds established in the intro. Percussion flows very nicely, good job with that. A bass soon enters the mix. It's panned to right, which doesn't sound right to me. I prefer having my basses in centre position. Otherwise, the bassline fits the tune. Some echoed electric piano tinkling is added as well. Sounds nice, although the sound so far is quite monotone. The way the song builds up is very basic and the background arrangement isn't really interesting enough to stand on its own; it needs a melody. Apparently the composer realized this too, and decided to add... ...the flute. Ahhh yes, this is a pretty good melody. Perhaps not instantly memorable, but it grows on you. It's nicely tracked and has a full and rich sound, thanks to some delay and the fact that two different instruments play in unison. However, it is slightly repetitive. It actually adds to the monotone feeling by following the chords slavishly. More variation would be very welcome in this part of the song, both in melody and underlying harmonies. At 1:40, the chords and instrumentation change and give the music a lighter feel. There's some really sweet guitar here, as well as some piano. The flute comes back, playing a new theme. This is definitely my favourite part of the tune; it's quite repetitive here as well but somehow it feels justified. The song comes to an end at almost 3 minutes - it was probably a good choice not making it longer than this. A good song overall. It starts out decent and becomes highly enjoyable towards the end. Not exceedingly original, but still. I like it. No major flaws here. Panning is used in a professional manner, with the possible exception of the bass which I mentioned earlier. Echoes are used to great effect, giving the song a big, yet smooth sound. The flute leads sound excellent with the gentle vibrato and variations in volume. Tempo changes are used quite frequently, but it never sounds odd or awkward. There's a shitload of different samples in this song - 72, to be precise. They're mostly 16 bit and of good quality, fitting nicely together. They could use some finetuning, perhaps, but that's not too obvious. To summarize; the composer did a good job tracking a good piece of music.

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Info Internal Texts *

 Whispers in the night

        ...Dj Isox...
_2002 Fredrik andersso

   Playtime: 3:05
   72 Samples
   32 Channels
   16Bit Version


   Thanx to:
   Dipa or who it was
   anyways thx for
   all the good smps!


   You can contact
   me at:
-- Choir
By DipA/Rj
-- Flute
Original by Walkman
modified by DipA

-- Harp
Original by Walkman
modified by DipA

-- Fretless bass
By DipA/rJ
-- Clarinet
from patches

-- Bongo 1
By DipA/rJ
-- Bongo 2
By DipA/rJ
-- Bongo 3
By DipA/rJ
-- Cymbal
from patches
-- Pizzicato
Original from
unknow... modified
by DipA

-- Crystal Rhodes
By DipA/rJ

-- Birds FX
Sampled from
Blind Guardian
"Face the truth"
by DipA/rJ
-- ReverseCymbal
reverse of
instrument 09...
-- Nylon Guitar
By DipA/rJ

-- Boom
By Awesome
-- Fretnoise 1
By DipA/rJ
-- Bassdrum
from unknow
-- Snare
by Hunz I think.
Drum #1 by Mitch
Drum #2 by Mitch
Drum #3 by Mitch
Drum #4 by Mitch
Drum #5 by Mitch
Drum #6 by Mitch
-- Tom
By DipA/rJ
-- Fretnoise 2
By DipA/rJ
-- Fretnoise 3
By DipA/rJ
-- SynthChoir
By DipA/rJ
-- Guitar tap
By DipA/rJ
-- Heaven
By DipA/rJ
-- Piano 16 bit
by Fby
-- Timpani
Sampled from my
KORG keyboard
-- Snare roll
By unknow
-- Snare
By unknow
-- Brass
Sampled from
StarWars by

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
