Beyond The Gates (btgatesf.xm)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 16th Jun 2001
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Outstanding synthpop tune! Great melodies, good samples. Not much too say, expect: This is a must-download tune!
Internal Texts *
KB of The Obsessed Maniacs and Reflex > Beyond The Gates < the Symposium '96 multichn winner tune Length: 3:56 Style: none exactly ---------------------- This is the 4minutes full version of my Sym96 mchn contrib. 3min limitations SUCK, you know... thanks fly to: Chris Huelsbeck for SampleMania Korg + Luke/T.O.M for the M1 DS9's station computer for her beautiful voice (LOVE) :-) ---------------------- 4 contacting me: Voice: +49-441-382156 Fido: 2:2426/2280.64 ---------------------- or call Dark Illusion: +49-89-36102651 -36192234 (EHQ) The Greetings: Black iC, Luke, PVCF, Ody, Quiss, Dr Kaos, Prodatron, BeXXX, Lard, FK, CiDER, Caos, Slash, Dray, Räd-Äd, Ryan+Bill (4 Samples), Prince, Godot + rest bass5.iff (SampleMania) Robotzwi.raw (Lose95 / The Gates Company) cloud9.iff (Korg M1) Holodeck.raw (Star Trek - TNG) digibell.iff (Korg M1) Subprog.raw (Deep Space Nine) korgx3.freetime.sus-2 (Ryan Cramer) Stand_by.raw (Deep Space Nine) Robotz~6.raw (Lose95 / The Gates Company) bdrum3.iff (SampleMania) clhi3.iff (SampleMania) snare5.iff (SampleMania) dreampad.iff (Korg M1) korgx3.freetime.minor (Ryan Cramer) panmallt.iff (Korg M1) wave1.iff (SampleMania)
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
nice synthpop classic in 16 channels, must-listen